
Internship Spotlight: Michelle Hahn-Baker

My name is Michelle Hahn-Baker and in July 2020, I completed a summer internship with the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD, also known as the Biodiversity Convention, is a multilateral treaty with three main goals: the conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity); the sustainable use of its components; and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources. The Secretariat of the CBD is located in Montreal, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I completed my entire internship remotely. Altogether, I spent three months as an intern in the Media and Communications Department, where my duties included managing the social media accounts of the Convention, producing informative videos, and drafting statements and interview questions.

In some ways, I was an unlikely candidate for this environmental internship, as I am a student in Honours English Literature with a minor in Communication Studies. Within these fields of study, however, my primary interest is the interconnectedness of art, culture, and nature. In a few years, I hope to attend graduate school so that I can pursue these interests further in an academic setting. I also believe that this internship gave me an invaluable opportunity to build upon my professional experience. In 2019, I received an Arts Internship Office Award that allowed me to complete a Public Information Internship with the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in Bonn, Germany. The work of CBD and IPBES are closely related, so both internships allowed me to gain a robust understanding of biodiversity issues, as well as the international processes that shape conservation efforts. Overall, my main objectives for this internship were to increase my knowledge of sustainability and environmental issues, as well as to develop my communication skills. I did not receive academic credit for this internship.

My internship was both rewarding and challenging, as I took on a lot of real responsibility and completed many short and long-term projects. In addition to running the daily social media of the CBD, I implemented a number of campaigns, expanded the organization鈥檚 communications strategy, and strengthened ties with partner organizations. One of the highlights of my internship was the International Day of Biological Diversity, when the CBD made an unprecedented impact on social media. I wrote and produced three original videos for Biodiversity Day, which received hundreds of thousands of views and were shared by the main Twitter account for the United Nations Environment Programme. I was also able to have several meetings with the newly appointed Executive Secretary of the CBD, which was definitely another highlight.

Through this internship, I gained experience in adapting to a remote work environment. This situation, of course, presented a number of challenges, but I developed some techniques to make the most of it. If possible, I recommend taking short walks outside throughout the day - especially over your lunch break - to make sure your body is moving. Working remotely can also be isolating and can make it hard to forge the professional relationships you would otherwise gain during your internship. As a result, I encourage future remote interns to reach out to the people they work with, including permanent staff and other interns. By inviting others to virtual lunches and coffee meetings, you can get to know them a bit and learn more about their work.

I am incredibly grateful to have had the chance to complete this internship, which was made possible through the Honorary Paul and Yvonne Casey Internship Award. Although I was able to complete this remote internship without travelling, the funds I received made it possible for me to pay my living expenses. Consequently, I was able to focus solely on my internship and dedicate myself to the work of the CBD. This financial assistance was, moreover, particularly valuable during the COVID-19 crisis, as it helped to alleviate a lot of the stress I would otherwise have been under. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Garvin Brown, who generously established this award in honour of his grandparents, making it possible for me to have this experience. Despite its many challenges, my experience this summer has enabled me to grow and learn as a young professional, and has taught me more about how to make a positive impact on our world. I know that this internship will shape my career substantially and has made me a more well-rounded and compassionate human being.

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