Réunion (Comité du rendement scolaire - Faculté des sciences)
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Réception d'automne
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Réunion (Comité de coordination des SIE)
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Role of the endothelin system in the development and maintenance of pulmonary hypertension
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Domesticating parasites: The differences between lab and field strains
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Some effects of identity-based social movements on American constitutional law in
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité de vérification et des finances)
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What constitutes environmental research?
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Réunion (Conseil de faculté - Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement)
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The North American carbon sink
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The challenges of European Union accession for post-Communist Europe
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Qui a dit que rien n'est gratuit?
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Réunion (Comité des diplômes honoris causa et de la collation des grades)
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Réunion (Groupe de la planification budgétaire)
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Genetics of cancer: The Quebec context
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Déjeuner-conférence : Atelier TAG
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Réunion (Comité de sélection - Faculté des arts)
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Use of regional climate model output for hydrologic simulations
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Réunion (Sous-comité de la politique salariale visant le personnel enseignant)
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The mysteries of cytoplasmic male sterility in Brassica napus: The relationship of cms-associated transcripts and complex function
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Réunion (Groupe de planification universitaire)
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3e conférence : A genome revolution in Montreal
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Phytochemical diversity and human health: Dietary change and type 2 diabetes mellitus in transitional communities of Papua New Guinea
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Réunion - SOCRATES (о)
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Réunion (Comité des études - Faculté des sciences)
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Réunion de faculté - Faculté des arts
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Conférence Les mardis verts : François Émond, Andy Kozina et Carl Mulvey
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Have we compromised our civil liberties in the wake of 9/11?
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Réunion (Sous-comité des dossiers des étudiants)
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Réseautage : Techniques et conseils
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The Real Inspector Hound
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20 nov 2002 20:00 à 23 nov 2002 00:00 |
Réunion (Conseil du Principal)
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Can polylactides complex with their brothers (other polylactides) and cousins (other polymers)?
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Réunion (CPPU)
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The not-so-civil society: Gender, communalism and politics of the Hindu right - ANNULÉ
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The 'self-death portrait': Vertiginous mirrors and early modern self reflection
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Déjeuner Leacock
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DNA-based malaria vaccine development in the 21st century
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Poetry @ lunch - automne 2002
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Réunion (Comité de l'Université sur les bourses d'études et l'aide financière aux étudiants)
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