

Best Books of 2009

Published: 17 December 2009

²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù professor Henry Mintzberg's book is chosen by The Globe and Mail as one of the best of 2009. Harvey Schacter writes of "Managing" by Henry Mintzberg (Berrett-Koehler): "It's sprawling and somewhat academic, but ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù professor Henry Mintzberg is a fine writer, with a penchant for humour that keeps his ruminations and scholarly probing interesting. It's not practical in the sense of offering five handy steps to do anything in particular, but it is practical in the sense that it deals with ideas on how to manage, clarifies the daily struggles that managers face, and opens your eyes to elements of the managerial role you may not have thought through….

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