

Publication notice

Published: 17 January 2008

James Archibald, author of the first of the two English texts in this book, explores the theme of diversity from different angles. Starting with the example of blogs, which he sees as an example of the way in which the principles of freedom of expression, recognition of diversity and increasingly open access to information and knowledge may be applied, he demonstrates how computer-mediated communication (CMC) has become a forum for different types of diversity including opinions, languages, cultures and modes of communication. He discusses degrees of diversity in freedom of expression in general and freedom of the press in particular as well as the potential of CMC to afford people choices in new ways to access knowledge and information and the ways in which both are used. The article lays out a set of characteristics that describe blogs on a continuum of "blogness."

GERBAULT, Jeannine. 芦 Introduction 禄. La langue du cyberespace : de la diversit茅 aux normes, pp 2-3. PARIS : L'Harmattan, 2007.

ARCHIBALD, James. 芦 Weblogs as Tools for Global Communication Diversity 禄 In GERBAULT, Jeannine. La langue dans le cyberespace : de la diversit茅 aux normes, pp 11-29. PARIS : L'Harmattan, 2007.

ISBN : 978-2-296-04622-1

29, 50 Euros

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