
Tuesday, January 13, 2026

Course Change (add/drop) deadline for Winter term courses and Continuing Studies Winter term courses for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (including Farm Management and Technology), Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education, Engineering (including Architecture), Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Science (including B.A.&Sc.). (No withdrawals from Music ensembles after this date.)

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), CS (Continuing Studies), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), Registration, RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Tuesday, January 13, 2026

Deadline for web withdrawing (grade of "W") from multi-term courses (D1/D2) that started in September 2025 ('W' on the D1 fall term course, drop and fee refund of the D2 winter term course) in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education, Engineering (including Architecture), Graduate Studies, Law, Management, Music, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Science (including B.A.&Sc.).

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), CS (Continuing Studies), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Fall, GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter, Withdrawals
Tuesday, January 13, 2026

Deadline for web withdrawing (grade of "W") from D1/D2 or N1/N2 multi-term courses that started in September 2025 ('W' on the D1 or N1 fall term course, drop and fee refund of the D2 or N2 course).

Classified as: GR (Graduate Studies), Registration, winter, Withdrawals
Monday, January 5, 2026toTuesday, January 13, 2026

(Tentative Date) Compulsory academic advising and course approval required for ALL returning Engineering students including Architecture. (Until the add/drop deadline.)

Classified as: Academic Advising, ARCH (Architecture), EN (Engineering), winter
Wednesday, January 14, 2026

(Tentative Date) Application deadline for supplemental examinations in Fall term courses and N1/N2 courses from the Fall 2025 term for Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Education, Law, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Science (including B.A.&Sc.).

NOTE: Not available for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Engineering or Management courses.

Classified as: AR (Arts), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), ED (Education), Exams 鈥 Supplemental & Deferred, Fall, LW (Law), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Sunday, November 30, 2025toThursday, January 15, 2026

Deferred examination application period on Minerva for Law for Fall term courses ending in Fall 2025 term. For 1L and Graduate students only: Submit deferred applications to Faculty of Law 鈥 Student Affairs Office, as 1L and Graduate students cannot use the Minerva application.

Classified as: Exams 鈥 Supplemental & Deferred, Fall, LW (Law)
Monday, December 1, 2025toThursday, January 15, 2026

Application period for inter-faculty transfer to a Bachelor of Music or Licentiate in Music for Fall 2026.

Classified as: Faculty Transfers, Fall, MU (Music)
Thursday, January 15, 2026

Deadline for 不良研究所 students in the Faculty of Law only to apply for faculty approval to participate in an exchange program during the 2026-2027 academic year.

Classified as: Fall, LW (Law), study abroad, winter
Thursday, January 15, 2026

Deadline to apply for readmission to the Desautels Faculty of Management for the Winter 2026 term.

Classified as: Application and Readmission, MG (Management), winter
Thursday, January 15, 2026

Application deadline for Fall 2026 admission to Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Architecture, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), B.A.&Sc., Education, Engineering, Management (including Part-time B.Com.), Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy or Science by applicants studying or who last studied in an overseas or U.S. high school, college or university.

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), Application and Readmission, AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), Fall, MG (Management), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter
Thursday, January 15, 2026

Application deadline for deferred examinations for Law from the Fall 2025 term. Submit deferred applications to Faculty of Law - Student Affairs Office. Law does not use Minerva application. Students must inform the SAO, prior to or within twenty-four hours of the examination, of the reasons for requesting permission to write a deferred examination.

Classified as: Exams 鈥 Supplemental & Deferred, Fall, LW (Law), winter
Tuesday, January 20, 2026

Deadline to Web withdraw (grade of "W") or University withdraw (grade of "W--") from Winter 2026 term courses with full fee refund (less $200 Registration Cancellation Fee for returning students; less registration deposit or $200 Registration Cancellation Fee, whichever is higher for new students, in case of complete withdrawal from the University).

Classified as: AG (Agr&EnvSci), AR (Arts), ARCH (Architecture), AS (Interfaculty BA&Sc), CS (Continuing Studies), DE (Dentistry), ED (Education), EN (Engineering), GR (Graduate Studies), HN (Human Nutrition), LW (Law), MG (Management), MU (Music), NU (Nursing), PO (Physical & Occupational Therapy), RS (Religious Studies), SC (Science), SW (Social Work), winter, Withdrawals
Tuesday, January 13, 2026toSaturday, January 24, 2026

For students who wish to university withdraw after the registration cancellation deadline (December 31, 2025), students may drop all courses via Minerva with full refund less $200 Registration Cancellation Fee for returning students; less registration deposit or $200 Registration cancellation Fee, whichever is higher for new students.

Classified as: Fall, FMT (Farm Mgt Technology), winter, Withdrawals
Tuesday, January 27, 2026

(Tentative Date) Target date for sending of preliminary selections (invitations to interviews) for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science's Fall 2026 MDCM program.

Classified as: Application and Readmission, Fall, MD (Medicine), winter


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