research /consortium-rita/taxonomy/term/35/all en Call for projects /consortium-rita/platforms/precompetitive-vs-competitive-research/apply-project <h2>Collaborative Research Projects</h2> <p>The Consortium RITA's collaborative research projects aim to provide financial support for research and innovation in food processing. Projects are developed jointly by food processing companies, members of their supply chain and academic partners from Quebec public research institutions. The Consortium RITA's financial assistance complements the industrial partners' financial and in-kind contributions.</p> <p>To be the first to know about our calls for projects, <a href="" target="_blank">sign up for our newsletter</a> and follow us on social media.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Apply for Funding</h2> <p>The following documents are valid for all three project streams. Please submit a letter of intent four weeks before submitting an application.</p> <div class="bl-tpl"><a class="button--outline" href="/consortium-rita/files/consortium-rita/letter_of_intent_rita_v2024-09.docx" target="_blank">Letter of Intent - Template</a></div> <p> </p> <ul></ul> <h3><a name="Documents de ref"></a>Reference Documents Thu, 26 Sep 2024 20:49:46 +0000 2029 at /consortium-rita Participatory Innovation as a Development Lever Award /consortium-rita/platforms/precompetitive-vs-competitive-research/precompetitive-networks-and-strategic-sectorial-projects/rita-x-initia-x-ctaq-award <p><em><strong>Offered by the Consortium RITA in collaboration with the Initia Foundation and the CTAQ to promote access to pre-competitive research for start-ups in the bio-food sector</strong></em></p> Wed, 07 Feb 2024 21:07:34 +0000 687 at /consortium-rita The Future of Food Symposium 2024 /consortium-rita/platforms/technology-transfer/2024-future-food-symposium <p> </p> <p>May 16th and 17th, 2024</p> <p>Omni Mont-Royal Hotel, Montreal, QC</p> <p> </p> <p><em>This event is over. We would like to thank all participants for making this event a resounding success!</em></p> <p> </p> Mon, 15 Jan 2024 19:07:17 +0000 681 at /consortium-rita RITA-CTAQ Pre-competitive Research Network: A Successful 2nd Edition /consortium-rita/article/rita-ctaq-pre-competitive-research-network-successful-2nd-edition <p>The parties involved in the Second Precompetitive Research Network of the Consortium RITA, held in collaboration with the Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ), met on May 16, 2022 at Château Vaudreuil to conclude research activities. The research teams, which included researchers, students and professionals from ten Quebec institutions, shared their results in the form of presentations and posters popularizing the numerous projects.</p> Fri, 20 Oct 2023 23:39:39 +0000 675 at /consortium-rita Food Preservatives of the Future /consortium-rita/article/food-preservatives-future <p>As consumers demand a list of ingredients that is as short as possible and additives whose names can be pronounced, the need for natural products that can function as food preservatives grows. But to make that a reality, more research is still required.</p> Fri, 20 Oct 2023 23:23:05 +0000 673 at /consortium-rita Food processing - Qubec grants $7.1 M to three organizations to accelerate the development of our food autonomy /consortium-rita/article/food-processing-qubec-grants-71-m-three-organizations-accelerate-development-our-food-autonomy <p>QUÉBEC CITY, March 26, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mr. André Lamontagne, announces the granting of financial assistance totaling $7.1 million to three organizations engaged in the food processing sector.</p> Fri, 20 Oct 2023 22:58:18 +0000 MAPAQ 671 at /consortium-rita Institutions /consortium-rita/node/606/institutions <h2>Academic and Research Institutions</h2> <p>Our vast network of researchers is made up of experts in all areas related to food science - microbiology, functional ingredients, packaging, nutrition, processes, analytical chemistry, and more! Alongside their research teams, they are ready to take on the major challenges faced by the industry.</p> <p> </p> Mon, 14 Mar 2022 20:27:40 +0000 643 at /consortium-rita About Us /consortium-rita/about-us <p>The Consortium for Research, Innovation, and the Transformation of Agri-Food (RITA), founded in 2017 at ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù’s Macdonald Campus, aims to support Quebec's food processing sector by catalyzing innovation and knowledge transfer between the research community and the industry.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong><i>"Innovation for the development of a prosperous, sustainable and Quebec-focused food processing sector."</i></strong></p></blockquote> Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:46:35 +0000 607 at /consortium-rita Home /consortium-rita/home <h2>Moving forward, together</h2> <p>Synergy lies at the core of the Consortium RITA’s platforms, because working together benefits us all. By bringing Quebec experts together to solve common industry issues, connecting them to other stakeholders, and training the next generation of food scientists, we support the food processing industry today while prepare it for the challenges of tomorrow.</p> <p><strong><em>Transforming challenges into growth opportunities is what we do best!</em></strong></p> <p> </p> Mon, 28 Aug 2017 14:40:55 +0000 Anonymous 1 at /consortium-rita