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ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 1981 - 1982 Visiting Assistant Professor, The Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. 1980 - 1981 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts. 1978 - 1979 Teaching Fellow, Yale School of Organization and Management, New Haven, Connecticut. APPOINTMENTS, HONOURS, AWARDS 2012 2015 Area Coordinator, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management 2011 & 2013 Appointed to University Statutory Selection Committee for evaluating faculty being considered for promotion to Full Professor 2010 Appointed Associate Editor for Special Issue of Human Relations: Reinventing Retirement: New Pathways, New Arrangements, New Meanings. (published Jan. 1, 2013) 2010 Selected to represent the Desautels Faculty of Management in оs Annual Excellence in Research Exhibition and Bravo Gala for Research Project Reinvention of Retirement: A Study of Baby Boomer Managers, Montreal Science Centre, February 2010 2008 Awarded a 3-Year SSHRC Grant for research on: The Reinvention of Retirement: A Study of Baby Boomer Professionals in Two Nations 2008 Re-appointed to о Ethics Review Board for 3 year term 2007 Appointed Senate Representative on the Faculty of Education Search Committee for a Dean 2005 Appointed to University Tenure Committee for 2 year term 2005 Appointed to University Tenure Committee for Recruitment and Retention for 3 year term 2005 Appointed to о Ethics Review Board for 3 year term. 2005 Appointed to Search Committee for Desautels Chair in Integrative Health Management, a joint position shared by the Faculty of Management and Faculty of Medicine. 2004 Promoted to Full Professor. 2003 Finalist for the Women of Distinction in Business Award, Montreal YWCA. 2003 Appointed to Board of о Centre for Research and Teaching on Women. 2003 Appointed Affiliate Member of the Center for University Teaching and Learning in recognition of outstanding contribution to pedagogy excellence in the Faculty of Management. 2003 Appointed Faculty of Management Alternate Member of the University Tenure and Promotion Committee. 2003 Appointed to the Canadian Centre for Management Development's Action-Research Roundtable on Employee Engagement for 2003-04. 2003 Article "Contextual factors in the success of reduced-load work arrangements among managers and professionals" identified as one of the top 20 articles published in 2002 as part of the 2003 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. 2002 Awarded research grant of $295,000 by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for project: "Managing Professionals in the 21st Century: The Evolution and Institutionalization of New Work Forms. 2001 Article Organizational paradigms of reduced-load work: Accommodation, elaboration, transformation identified as one of the top 20 articles published in 2000 in connection with the 2001 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. 2001 Royal Bank Teaching and Learning Improvement Award for Innovative Teaching Proposal, "Professors Partnering with Practicing Professionals & Managers." 2001 Appointed by о Senate as Member of the Committee on Student Grievances. 2000 Royal Bank Faculty Associate in University Teaching Award, with Steve Maguire, for Teaching Development Proposal: Re-engineering for Pedagogy Excellence. 2000 Recognized as the о professor most cited in 1999, with coverage by over 70 different media, including NBC Nightly News, CTV National News, Financial Times, and Los Angeles Times. о Reporter, January 13, 2000. Member of the University of Guelph Research Team headed by Kerry Daly & Donna Lero, Co-Directors of the Centre for Families, Work & Well-Being. Funding from the McConnell Foundation to study: "Understanding and Promoting a Healthy Work/Life Balance for Canadians." 1996 Awarded research grant of $120,000 U.S.: Reconceptualizing Managerial Careers in Organizations. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation of New York. 1996 Awarded research grant of $79,000: Women as Forerunners of Change: Reconceptualizing Professional and Managerial Careers in Organizations, Women and Change Theme in Strategic Research Initiative, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 1995 Appointed by Senate to serve a 2-year term on the Committee on University Teaching and Learning, о. 1995 Selected to attend the Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration at Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1995 Invited to address the Governor Generals Study Group on Work and Family: Organizational Trends in Policy and Practice, о. 1995 Nominated for the Women of Distinction in Business Award, Montreal YWCA. 1994 Nominated for the Women of Distinction in Business Award, Montreal YWCA. 1992 Appointed to serve a 3-year term on the Board of Directors, Centre for Research and Teaching on Women, о. 1992 Appointed to serve a 3-year term on the Management Committee, Centre for Applied Family Studies, School of Social Work, о. 1990 Awarded $10,000 research grant to study professional womens patterns of combining career and family over the life span. National Centre for Management Research & Development, University of Western Ontario. 1989 Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure. 1988 Awarded $20,000 research grant to study the career patterns of MBA graduates. Graduate Management о Council of California. 1985 Awarded research grant of $65,000 to study the career patterns of MBA graduates. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. PUBLICATIONS Vough, Heather C., Bataille, Christine D., Sargent, Leisa, and Lee, Mary Dean. June 2016. Next-gen retirement. Harvard Business Review, 104-107. Martin, W. and Lee, M. D. 2016. Managers work and retirement: Understanding the connections. Work, Employment and Society, February, 30, 40-58. Kossek, E. E., Ollier-Malaterre, A., Lee, M. D., Pichler, S. and Hall, D. T. 2016. Line managers rationales for professionals reduced load work in embracing and ambivalent organizations. Human Resource Management, 55 (1), 143-171. Lee, M. D., Zikic, J., Noh, S.-C. and Sargent, L. 2016. Human resource approaches to retirement: Gatekeeping, orchestrating, improvising and partnering. Human Resource Management. Published online DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21775. Vough, H., Bataille, C., Noh, S. and Lee, M. D. 2015. Going off script: How managers make sense of the ending of their careers. Journal of Management Studies, 52 (3), 414-440. Klag, M., Jansen, K. J. and Lee, M.D. 2015. Contemplating workplace change: Evolving individual thought processes and emergent story lines. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 51 (1), 36-70. Kossek, E.E., Pichler, S., Ryan, A.M. and Lee, M.D. Forthcoming. Beyond work-life policy adoption: Exploring the relationships between work-life and HR strategies and career practices supporting work-life policy use. In G. Baugh (Ed.), Research in careers, volume 3. Information Age Publishing. Hall, D. T., Kossek, E. E., Briscoe, J. P., Pichler, S., and Lee, M. D. 2013. Non-work orientation relative to career: A multi-dimensional measure. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83 (3), 539-550. Sargent, L. D., Lee, M. D., Martin, B. and Zikic, J. 2013. Reinventing retirement: New pathways, new arrangements, new meanings. Human Relations, 66 (1), 3-21. Hall, D. T., Lee, M. D., Las Heras, M. and Kossek, E. E. 2012. Pursuing career success while sustaining personal and family well-being: A study of reduced-load professionals over time. Journal of Social Issues, 68 (4), 742-766. Lee, M. D., Kossek, E. E., Hall, D. T., and Litrico, J.-B. 2011. Entangled strands: A process perspective on the evolution of careers in the context of personal, family, work, and community life. Human Relations, 64 (12), 1531-1553. Litrico, J.-B., Lee, M.D. and Kossek, E.E. 2011. Cross-level dynamics between changing organizations and career patterns of reduced-load professionals. Organization Studies, 32 (12), 1678-1697. Sargent, L. D., Bataille, C. D., Vough, H. C., and Lee, M. D. 2011. Metaphors for retirement: Unshackled from schedules. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79 (2), 315-324. Lee, M.D., Kossek, E.E., and Bataille, C. 2008. Making flexibility work: The managers perspective on implementation of reduced-load work arrangements. In J.A. Martin (Ed.) Work and family balance: Economic and social benefits in a time of labour force shortages, pp. 45-54. Regina, Saskatchewan: Balancing Work and Family Alliance and Government of Saskatchewan. Friede, A., Kossek, E.E., Lee, M.D., & MacDermid, S.M. 2008. Human resource manager insights on creating and sustaining successful reduced-load work arrangements. Human Resource Management, 47 (4). 707-727. Litrico, J.-B. and Lee, M.D. 2008. Balancing exploration and exploitation in alternative work arrangements: A multiple case-study in the professional and management services industry. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 995-1020. Lirio, P., Lee, M.D., Williams, M.L., Haugen, L.K., and Kossek, E.E. 2008. The inclusion challenge with reduced-load professionals: The role of the manager. Human Resource Management, 47 (3), 443-461. Kossek, E.E., and Lee, M.D. 2008. Implementing a reduced-workload to retain high talent: A case study. The Psychologist-Manager Journal,11 (1), 49-64. Kossek, E. E., Lee, M. D., and Hall, D. T. 2007. Making flexible schedules work for everyone. Harvard Management Update, 12 (5), 1-4. Lee, M. D., Lirio, P., Karakas, F., MacDermid, S.M., Buck, M.L. and Kossek, E. E.2006. Exploring career and personal outcomes and the meaning of career success among part-time professionals in organizations. In R. J. Burke (Ed.), Research companion to work hours and work addiction, pp. 284-309. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. McAlpine, L., Maguire, S., and Lee, M.D. 2005. Pedagogy excellence project: A professor-student team approach to authentic inquiry. Teaching in Higher Education, 10 (3), 355-370. Bankert, E., Lee, M.D., and Lange, C. 2005. SAS Institute (a case study on creating a corporate culture that supports employees having a life outside of work). International Journal of Leadership Education, 1, (1), 1-22. Case also available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.caseplace.org/cases/" www.caseplace.org/cases/. Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., Dohring, P.L. & Kossek, E.E. 2005. Professionals becoming parents: Socialization, adaptation and identity transformation. In E.E. Kossek & S.J. Lambert (Eds.), pp. 287-317. Work and life integration: Organizational, cultural and psychological perspectives in a global world. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Karakas, F., Lee, M.D. and MacDermid, S.M. 2004. A qualitative investigation into the meaning of family well-being from the perspective of part-time professionals. Equal Opportunities International, 23: 57-77. Buck, M.L., Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., & Smith, S.C. 2002. Creative careers and creative lives: Designing reduced-load work arrangements. In M. Peiperl, M. Arthur, R. Goffee, and N. Anand (Eds.), Career creativity: Explorations in the remaking of work, pp. 77-99. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., & Buck, M.L. 2002. Reduced load work arrangements: Response to stress or quest for integrity of functioning. In D.L. Nelson and R. J. Burke (Eds), Gender, work stress, and health, pp. 169-190. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., Williams, M.L., Buck, M.L., Leiba-OSullivan, S. 2002. Contextual factors in the success of reduced-load work arrangements among managers and professionals. Human Resource Management 41(2): 209-223. Lee, M.D., Engler, L., and Wright, L. 2002. Exploring the boundaries in professional careers: Reduced-load work arrangements in law, medicine, and accounting. In R.J. Burke & D.L. Nelson (Eds.), Advancing women's careers: Research and practice, pp. 174-205. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. Lee, M.D., Hourquet, P.G., & MacDermid, S.M. 2002. Reduced-load work arrangements: The changing nature of professional and managerial work. In C.L. Cooper and R.J. Burke (Eds.), The new world of work: Challenges and opportunities, pp. 137-156. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd. O'Sullivan, S.L., MacDermid, S.M., Lee, M.D., & Williams, M. 2002. Direct reports' perceptions of reduced-load managers effectiveness: When does absence matter? Proceedings at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba. MacDermid, S.M., Lee, M.D., & Smith, S.C. 2001. Forward into yesterday? Families and work in the 21st century. In K. Daly (Ed.), Minding the time in family experience: Emerging issues and perspectives, pp. 59-81. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science Press. MacDermid, S.M., Lee, M.D., & Buck, M.L. 2001. Alternative work arrangements among professionals and managers: Rethinking career development and success. Journal of Management Development, 20(4): 305-317. Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., & Buck, M.L. 2000. Organizational paradigms of reduced load work: Accommodation, elaboration, transformation. Academy of Management Journal, 43(6): 1211-1226. Buck, M.L., Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., & Smith, S. 2000. Reduced load work and the experience of time among professionals and managers: Implications for personal and organizational life. In C. Cooper and D. Rousseau (Eds.), Trends in Organizational Behavior, 7: 13-36. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons. Lee, Mary Dean and Menon, Sanjay. 1998. Emergent family patterns and career outcomes of male and female MBA graduates in early career. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 15(3): 267-278. Lee, Mary Dean. 1994. Variation in career and family involvement over time: Truth and consequences. In M.J. Davidson and R. Burke (Eds.), Women in management - current research issues, London: Paul Chapman Publishers. Lee, Mary Dean. 1993. Women's involvement in professional careers and family life: Themes and variations. Business and The Contemporary World 5:106-127. Lee, Mary Dean. 1988. Intentional life space design: A strategy for dual earner and single parent families. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 5(4): 41-50. Lee, Mary Dean, Waters, James A., Hartwick, Jon, and Adler, Nancy J. 1987-88. Evaluating managerial skill development. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, 2:1634. Lee, Mary Dean. 1986. Life space: The great balancing act. Psychology Today, March, 4856. Lee, Mary Dean. 1985. Probing behavioral patterns of structuring daily life. Human Relations 38: 457476. Lee, Mary Dean. 1985. Life space structure: Explorations and speculations. Human Relations, 38: 623642. Lee, Mary Dean. 1984. Life space design. In Lee, M.D. and Kanungo, R.N. (Eds.), Management of work and personal life. New York: Praeger. Lee, Mary Dean and Kanungo, Rabindra H. (Eds.). 1984. Management of work and personal life. New York: Praeger. Lee, Mary Dean and Hackman, J. Richard. 1979. Redesigning work: A strategy for change. Scarsdale, New York: Work in America Institute. Meyer, Herbert H. and Lee, Mary Dean. 1978. Moving women into "male" jobs: Successes and failures in ten companies. New York: Management Resources, Inc. REPORTS Lee, M. D., Zikic, J., Sargent, L. and Menard, L. 2012 Change vs. status quo in organizational retirement regimes. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Desautels Faculty of Management, о. Lee, M. D. with Martin, W., Sargent, L., Zikic, J., Vough, H., and Bataille, C. 2011. Late career and retirement trends among baby boomer managers. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Desautels Faculty of Management, о. Kossek, E.E. and Lee, M.D. Making Flexibility Work: What Managers Have Learned About Implementing Reduced-Load Work. Technical Report of an Alfred P. Sloan Study. Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI, 2005, 30 pp.  HYPERLINK "http://flex-work.lir.msu.edu/" http://flex-work.lir.msu.edu/ Kossek, E.E., Pichler, S. and Lee, M.D. Bench-marking Survey: A Snapshot of Organizational Implementation of Reduced-Load Work. Technical Report of an Alfred P. Sloan Study. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI, 2005, 38 pp.  HYPERLINK "http://flex-work.lir.msu.edu/" http://flex-work.lir.msu.edu/ Lee, M.D. and Kossek, E.E. with Gersick, C., Hall, D.T., Schreiber, C., Bernstein, M., Lirio, P., Friede, A., Karakas, F., and Litrico, J.B. 2005. Crafting lives that work: A six-year retrospective on reduced-load work in the careers and lives of professionals and managers. Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants in Phase I of Managing Professionals in New Work Forms. Montreal: Faculty of Management, о.  HYPERLINK "http://web.management.mcgill.ca/reports/md_lee/2005report1.pdf" http://web.management.mcgill.ca/reports/md_lee/2005report1.pdf MacDermid, S.M., Lee, M.D., & Smith, S.C. Summary article about book chapter, "Work and Families: Looking Forward by Looking Back", Alfred P. Sloan Work-Family Researchers Electronic Network Newsletter, v. 3, no. 1, 2001, pp. 6-8. Lee, M.D., MacDermid, S.M., Williams, M., Buck, M.L., Schreiber, C., Borrelli, L., Leiba-OSullivan, S., Smith, S., Bernstein, M., Dohring, P. 1999. Reconceptualizing professional and managerial careers. Technical Report prepared for the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York. Lee, M.D. & MacDermid, S.M., et al. 1998. Improvising new careers: Accommodation, elaboration, & transformation. Executive Feedback Report prepared for study participants. Montreal: Faculty of Management, о:  HYPERLINK http://www.management.mcgill.ca/faculty/report/mdlee.html www.intranet.management.mcgill.ca/faculty/report/mdlee.html and West Lafayette, IN: The Center for Families at Purdue University. Meyer, Herbert H. and Lee, Mary Dean. 1978. Women in traditionally male jobs: The experiences of ten public utility companies. R and D Monograph #65, U.S. Department of Labor. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW OR REVISION Bataille, C. D. and Lee, M. D. Exploration, adaptation and expression: Womens identity work across career and family transitions. Under revision. Litrico, J.-B. and Lee, M. D. Responding to industry identity threat: Naturalizing sustainability in aviation. Under revision. REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2015 Human resource approaches to retirement: Gatekeeping, orchestrating, improvising and partnering with J. Zikic, S.-C. Noh, and L. Sargent. Human Resources Division, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, August. 2013 Responding to Industry Identity Threat: Naturalizing Sustainability in Aviation. Jean-Baptiste Litrico and Mary Dean Lee, Sub-Theme 32: Bridging Perceptions of Organizations: Identities, Images and Reputations at EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, June. 2012 Symposium Chair: Reflections on Institutional Change Emanating from Two Decades of Professional Part-Time and Reduced-Load Work in Organizations. Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Conference June 14-16, New York, NY. 2011 From Restricted to Open Work-Life Flexibility Implementation: Cross-Level Patterns: Ellen E. Kossek, Ariane Ollier-Malaterre, Mary Dean Lee, Douglas T. Hall, In Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, April 2011 Where Does the Work Go and Why? Cross Level Patterns in Manager and Organizational Support of Customized Workloads: Ellen E. Kossek, Ariane Ollier- Malaterre, Mary Dean Lee, Tim Hall, Shaun Pichler. Community, Work and Family IV Conference, Tampere, Finland, May. 2010 Unshackled by Schedules: Metaphors and Retirement Narratives, with L. D. Sargent, C. D. Bataille, and H. C. Vough. Academy of Management Meeting in Montreal, August. 2010 Managers Support of Alternative Work Arrangements as Pockets of Organizational Change, with E. E. Kossek and Ollier-Malaterre, A. Academy of Management Meeting in Montreal, August. 2010 Divergent Trends in Late Career and Retirement: Exploring Baby Boomer Managers Pathways, with W. Martin and L. D. Sargent, European Group of Organization Studies Meeting in Lisbon, July. 2009 Cross-Level Dynamics between Individual Career Journeys and Organizational Currents, with E. E. Kossek and J.B. Litrico. Academy of Management Meeting in Chicago, August. 2009 Probing Patterns of Career Success over Time: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, with D. T. Hall, M. Las Heras, and E. E. Kossek. IESE Third International Work and Family Conference Harmonizing Work, Family and Personal Life in Times of Crisis, Barcelona, July. 2009 Where Does the Work Go and Why? Managerial Experiences Legitimizing New Ways of Constructing and Implementing Professional Work, with E. E. Kossek, A. Ollier-Malaterre, and D. T. Hall. IESE Third International Work and Family Conference Harmonizing Work, Family and Personal Life in Times of Crisis, Barcelona, July. 2009 Implementing a Reduced Work Load Arrangement to Retain Professionals with E. E. Kossek. Paper presented at SIOP (Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology) conference, New Orleans, April. 2007 Success in Work, Family, and Personal Life: Fixed, Fanciful, or Fleeting with D.T. Hall, M. Las Heras, and E.E. Kossek. Paper presented as part of Second International Conference of Work and Family at IESE Business School, July 9-11, 2007 in Barcelona, Spain: Harmonizing Work, Family, and Personal Life: Strategies for Crossing Boundaries. 2006 Beyond the Career Mystique: Crafting Lives That Work with E.E. Kossek. Paper presented as part of annual symposium of EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies), July 2006, Bergen, Norway. 2006 Crafting Lives That Work: What Happens to Professionals Careers When They Choose to Work Less, with E.E. Kossek, first author and presenter, in Symposium: The Opt-Out Revolt: Uncovering the Truth about the Media Hype on Women Exiting the Work Force. At the International Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August. 2006 Exploring Linkages between Strategic Human Resource Management, Work-Life Strategy, and New Ways of Working for Professionals, with E.E. Kossek and S. Pichler, first and second authors, in Symposium: The Opt-Out Revolt: Uncovering the Truth about the Media Hype on Women Exiting the Work Force. At the International Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August. 2005 What Happens to Professionals Careers When They Choose Reduced- Load Work and Why and How Do They Do It with E.E. Kossek, first author. Paper presented as part of conference, Careers and Career Transitions: New Evidence for a New Economy, The Wharton School Center for Human Resources, June 24th-25th 2005. 2005 Mapping of Dynamic Career, Family & Life Processes with F. Karakas and E.E. Kossek. First author of paper presented as part of a Symposium titled A New Vision of Work and Family: Management Practices Embracing a Dual Agenda. E.E. Kossek, Chair at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2005. 2005 Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Alternative Work Arrangements: A Multiple Case Study in the Professional and Management Services Industry with J.-B. Litrico, first author. Paper presented as part of a Symposium titled A New Vision of Work and Family: Management Practices Embracing a Dual Agenda. E.E. Kossek, Chair at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2005. 2004 Studying the Relationship Between the New Career and Life Balance: Balance:Preliminary Results with D.T. Hall, E.E. Kossek, J. Briscoe and B. Gutierrez. Third author of paper presented as part of a Symposium Titled Putting Work in its Place: New Perspectives on the Working Time of Professionals, E.E. Kossek and A. Friede Co-Chairs, at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, August 2004. 2004 The Role of Managers in Supporting Reduced-Load Work Arrangements with P.L. Dohring, M.L. Williams, L.K. Haugen, and E.E. Kossek. Second author of paper presented as part of a Symposium titled Putting Work in its Place: New Perspectives on the Working Time of Professionals, E.E. Kossek and A. Friede Co-Chairs, at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, August 2004. 2004 The Human Resource Perspective on Initiation and Implementation of Reduced-Load Work Arrangements with A. Friede, E.E. Kossek and S.M. MacDermid. Third author of paper presented as part of a Symposium titled Putting Work in its Place: New Perspectives on the Working Time of Professionals, E.E. Kossek and A. Friede Co-Chairs, at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, August 2004. 2003 "The Meaning of Career Success and Changing Career Conceptions among Part-Time Professionals" with P.L. Dohring and F. Karakas. First author of paper presented as part of a Symposium titled "Conceptions of Career Success, P. Heslin and M. Evans Co-Chairs, at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL, April 2003. "Direct Reports' Perceptions of Reduced-Load Managers' Effectiveness: When Does Absence Matter" with S.L. O'Sullivan, S.M. MacDermid & Williams, M. Co-author of paper presented in the session "Emerging Issues in HRM" at the annual meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Winnipeg, MB, May. 2002 "Pedagogy Excellence Project: A Professor-Student Team Approach to Instructional Development." Co-author of presentation at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Hamilton, ON, May. (With McAlpine, L. and Maguire, S.) 2002 "Convergence & Divergence in Identity Transformation Among Professional Parents in Alternative Work Arrangements, to be presented at: Persons, Processes and Places: Research on Families, Workplaces and Communities, sponsored by the Business and Professional Womens Foundation, the Center for Families at Purdue University, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Feb. 7-9, 2002, San Francisco, CA. 2000 "The Developmental Implications of Voluntary Part-time Work, with S.M. MacDermid and M.L. Buck, in Symposium, "Time Use, Flexibility, and Identity: Challenging Traditional Schedules and Career Structures in Organizations, M.L. Buck and L.R. Ford, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, ON, August 6-9. 2000 Outcomes of Reduced Load Work Arrangements at Managerial and Professional Levels: Perspectives from Multiple Stakeholders, with M.L. Williams, L.R. Ford, P.L. Dohring, and S.M. MacDermid, in Symposium, Moving the Study of Work-Family Conflict into the 21st Century: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, ON, August 6-9. 2000 "Designing Creative Careers and Creative Lives: The Cases of Professionals and Managers in Reduced Load Work Arrangements," with Buck, M.L., & MacDermid, S.M. Paper presented at The Conference on Creative Careers, Centre for Organizational Research at London Business School, March. 1999 "Individual Negotiations as Catalysts for Organizational Change: The Case of Negotiating Alternative Work Arrangements," with Buck, M.L., Leiba-O'Sullivan, S., & MacDermid, S.M. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Conflict Management, San Sebastian-Donostia, Spain, June. 1999 Workplace Policies for the Next Century, with S.M. MacDermid, M. Williams and S. Leiba-OSullivan. Paper presented within Symposium organized by Phyllis Moen, The Time Squeeze: Work/Family Strategies in the Next Century, at the American Academy of Science, Anaheim, CA, January 21-26. 1998 Time in Families: A Qualitative Study, with S.C. Smith, and S.M. MacDermid. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Milwaukee, November. 1998 Reduced Load Work and the Discourse of Organizations. Paper presented at the conference on Work and Family: Todays Realities and Tomorrows Visions, Boston, November 6-7. 1998 Custom-Designed Work Arrangements: Innovations and Transformations in Professional and Managerial Work, in Symposium, What Matters Most: Alternative Work Arrangements and Changing Definitions of Professional and Managerial Work, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego, August. 1996 Organizer and Moderator of Symposium on Reduced Load Work Arrangements Among Professionals and Managers. Paper presented within Symposium, "Exploring the Boundaries in Professional Careers: Reduced Load Arrangements in Law, Medicine, and Accounting," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Cincinnati, Ohio, August. 1994 Organizer & Moderator of Symposium on the Effects of Family Patterns on the Careers of Management Graduates. Paper presented within Symposium: "Emergent Family Structure and Its Effects on Career and Personal Outcomes of MBA Graduates in Early Career," Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, Texas. 1992 "Combining Professional Careers and Family," Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Montreal, Quebec. 1990 Co-Organizer and Moderator of Symposium on International Perspectives on Work-Family Linkages. Paper presented within Symposium, "Women's Careers: Alternate Models of Combining Work and Family over the Life Span," International Congress of Applied Psychology, Kyoto, Japan. 1989 "The Single Worker: Life Space Patterns, Job Related Variables and Life Satisfaction," Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Boston, Massachusetts. 1988 "MBA Graduates Look Back," Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia. "Intentional Life Space Design," Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, Quebec. 1985 "The Career of an MBA: Educational Implications," Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia. "Human Resource Strategies for Maintaining Organizational Adaptability: A Study of Seven Food Retail Companies," Human Resource Planning Society Research Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2014-2015 Chair, Department Tenure Committee. Thesis Defense Committee for Christine Bataille, о. 2013-2014 Member, Department Tenure Committee. Thesis Committee for Diane Girard, HEC. 2012-2013 Invited speaker on Equity & Recruitment Panel for the Academic Leadership Forum (ALF), a leadership development series for department chairs and other academic administrators at о: Insights into the importance of equity in recruiting excellent candidates, Feb. 2013. External Examiner for Oral Defense Committee for Shamel Addas, Information System, Feb. 15, 2013. 2010-2011 External Examiner for Candidate for Promotion to Full Professor, HEC, University of Montreal. 2010-2011 External Examiner for Oral Defense Committee of Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, Lynne Gouliquer, о. 2009-2010 External Examiner for Candidate for Promotion to Full Professor, HEC, University of Montreal. Reviewer for Research Grant Applications for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 2008-2009 Invited speaker at о Faculty of Science Workshop for Managers. Crafting Lives that Work: Achieving Success on Your Own Terms. June, 2009. External Reviewer for Ph.D. Thesis in Psychology Department, Guelph Guelph, December 2008. Reviewer for Research Grant Applications for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Desautels Faculty of Management. 2007-2008 Invited speaker at MBA Student Council Event, Feb. 2008, on Work-Life Balance. 2006-2007 Invited speaker at Conference on Work-Family Balance and Labour Force Shortages sponsored by the Work and Family Unit of the Dept. of Labour of Saskatchewan: Making Flexibility Work: The Managers Perspective. 20052006 Invited speaker in a global conference call sponsored by Work-Life Harmony in Toronto, Oct. 3, 2005: Achieving Success: The Reduced-Hours Work Arrangement for Professionals, Dispelling myths, finding truths. Invited speaker at the о Alumni Association (October 2005), the о Womens Alumnae Association (February 2006), the о International Executive Institute (March 2006), and the о Management Forum (May 2006) to present findings from the published Technical Reports on Sloan Research completed in 2005, listed above. Invited speaker at the Conference Board Diversity and Work and Family Conference for Co-authored Presentation (with Sloan research project co-Principal Investigator, Ellen Ernst Kossek of Michigan State University: Managing New Ways of Working and Inclusion May 2006. 2004 - 2005 Sabbatical year granted July 2004 July 2005. Invited Instructor for session on Work-Life Balance in Module II of International Masters in Practicing Management program, Faculty of Management, о. External Reviewer and Committee Member for Ph.D. Thesis at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, September 2004. 2003 - 2004 On the Editorial Board for Human Resource Planning and Reviewer for Career Development International. Reviewer for Research Grant Applications for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Consultation with Alcan International, Montreal, on Balancing Work and Life. Member of Health and Innovation Consortiums, Faculty of Management. Founding member of The Innovation Engine (with Dr. Richard Riopelle, Neuorology, and Dr. Martin Dawes, Family Medicine), a think-tank initiative between members of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Management toward advancing integration of health services delivery and knowledge translation. Served on the University-Wide Review Committee for CUTL Royal Bank Teaching Award Proposals. Chair of Phase II Committees for doctoral students, Pamela Dohring and Malvina Klag. Chair of Phase I Committees for Fahri Karakas, Jean-Baptiste Litrico, and Laura Ierfino. Invited Instructor for session on Work-Life Balance for Module II in the International Masters in Practicing Management program, Faculty of Management, о. 2002 - 2003 Invited Speaker at the Conference Board of Canada's Council on WorkForce Solutions, Nov. 14-15, 2002, "Organizational Differences in Experimentation with Reduced Work Load." Invited Speaker at a conference on Work-Life Integration in Organizations, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC, May 13-14, 2003. Supervision of Major Paper in о's International Master's in Practicing Management Program. 2001 - 2002 Worked on four different research teams to prepare research grant proposals for major funding. Half-year sabbatical July - December 2001. Supervision of Major Paper in о's International Master's in Practicing Management Program. Invited Presentation with Steve Maguire to a о CUTL Workshop on the Pedagogy Excellence Project in the Faculty of Management, 2000-01. 2000 2001 Presentation at the о International Executive Institute France Telecom Seminar, June 27, 2001. "Organizational Implications of the Changing Nature of Work and Family in the 21st Century." Attended Annual Conference of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, June 13-16, 2001. Professional Development: Attended Course Design and Teaching Workshop, CUTL, Faculty of Education, о, June 5 - 9, 2000. 1999 2000 Invited to be Keynote Speaker at the Annual General Meeting of The о Women's Alumnae Society, The St. James Club, Montreal, May 10, 2000. "Custom-Designed Work Arrangements: Innovations and Transformations in Professional and Managerial Work." Focus Group Convener and Facilitator, Flexible Work Arrangements and Small Businesses in Quebec, May 8, 2000. Part of McConnell Foundation Study: "Understanding and Promoting a Healthy Work/Life Balance for Canadians", sponsored by the University of Guelph, Centre for Families, Work and Well-Being. Consultation with the Liberal Party of Quebec Organizing Committee for a Fund-Raising Dinner and Panel Discussion on Work/Life Balance, October 5, 1999. Presentation at the Centre for Families, Work & Well-Being, University of Guelph, September 29, 1999. "The Pros and Cons of Reduced Load Work Arrangements: A Study of Corporate Professionals and Managers." Case Presentation of SAS Institute at Wharton Roundtable Conference on the Role of CEO's in Organizational Change and Work/Life Issues, Philadelphia, PA, June 23-25, 1999. Presentation at B.Com. Alumni Association gathering in Toronto, June 10, 1999: "IS Work/Life Balance Possible?" Supervision of Major Paper in о's International Master's in Practicing Management Program. 1998 1999 Presentation at the Faculty of Management Executive Institute Annual Luncheon, May 11, 1999: "Improvising New Careers: Accommodation, Elaboration, & Transformation." Invited to represent Canada at the Global Forum on Family & Work, April 18-21, 1999, at Chateau d'Esclimont near Paris, France. This "think tank" of 45 representatives from 19 countries was sponsored by IBM, Citigroup, Chase Manhattan, the Marriott, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Families and Work Institute. Presentation at Work-Life Conference for HR Executives, sponsored by the Conference Board and Families and Work Institute: "Customized Work Arrangements among Professionals and Managers." March 1999, New York. Supervision of Major Paper in о's International Master's in Practicing Management Program. 1997 1998 Half-Year Sabbatical in Lyon, France. 1996 1997 Participant in Associate Dean Workshop, American Association of American College and Schools of Business, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1996. Invited Presentation Balancing Career and Family Demands, Women in Cardiac Sciences Seminar, 49th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Montreal, Quebec. Participant and Presenter at Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Conference on Alternative Arrangements: Professional Careers and Professional Lives, Loyola Univ. Chicago. Presentation on New Co-op Program and New Curriculum in the Undergraduate Program in Management, to the International Advisory Board of the Faculty of Management, Montreal, Quebec. Reviewer for Grant Proposals for Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 1995 - 1996 Discussion Leader and Presenter at the Boston University Roundtable on Work & Family, Boston, Massachusetts. Guest Speaker at the о Alumni Conference on Re-Imagining the Workplace, Montreal, Quebec. Guest Speaker at the Work & Family Council, Conference Board of Canada, Montreal, Quebec. Invited Participant at the Merck/Wharton Roundtable on Strategies for Integrating Work/Life Issues into the MBA Curriculum, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey. Guest Speaker at the Council for Human Resource Issues in Professional Services Firms, Conference Board of Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Invited Participant at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Roundtable on Part-Time Work Among Managers and Professionals at Bentley College, Boston, Massachusetts. Reviewer for Grant Proposals for Social Science and Humanities Research Council. 1994 - 1995 Invited Participant in the Merck/Wharton Roundtable on Strategies for Integrating Work/Life Issues into the MBA Curriculum. Invited Presentation Professional Women's Involvement in Career and Family: Truth & Consequences, Centre for Applied Family Studies, о. Invited Presentation Professional Women's Involvement in Career and Family: Truth and Consequences, о Centre for Teaching and Research on Women, о. 1993 - 1994 Invited Participant in Wharton Roundtable on Introducing Work and Family Issues into the MBA Curriculum. Invited Presentation "Professional Women's Patterns of Combining Career and Family," Boston Consulting Group, Boston, Massachusetts. Presentation on "Early Career Paths of MBA Graduates: Real Managers vs. Steady Climbers." Faculty of Management Research Seminar, о. 1992 - 1993 Presentation on "Professional Careers and Family Life," at the Boston University Roundtable on Career and Family, Montreal, Quebec. Presentation on "Women's Involvement in Professional Careers and Family Life," Faculty of Management Research Seminar, о. Training & Development Advisory Committee, Dept. of Human Resources, о. 1991 - 1992 Presentation on "Career Patterns of MBA Graduates," Faculty of Management Research Seminar, о. 1988 - 1989 Presentation on "Writing Requirements in the Management Curriculum," Writing Seminars, Department of Education, о. Presentation on "The First Year Out," MBA Lecture Series, Faculty of Management, о. 1987 - 1988 and 1986 - 1987 CoOrganizer of the Symposium on Work and Family Linkages at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, British Columbia and Montreal, Quebec. 1985 - 1986 Presentation on "Management Training" at the Annual Meeting of Ontario and Quebec Council of University Librarians. Presentation on "Balancing Work and Personal Life" to the Canadian Paper Trade Association. 1984 - 1985 Evaluation of the Human Resource function at Steinberg, Inc., Montreal, QC. Taught "People Skills" to executives through the Management Institute, Faculty of Management, о, Montreal, Quebec. 1983 - 1984 Orientation workshop for new MBA students, Faculty of Management, о. Presented two workshops on "Organizational Change" for the School of Nursing, о. Presented a seminar on job design to the Department of Human Resources, о. Conducted a workshop on consulting for the Small Business Consulting Bureau, Faculty of Management, о. Supervised graduate students doing an employee attitude survey for Ayerst Laboratories, Montreal Quebec. 1982 - 1983 Cosponsor and convenor of the Symposium on Management of Work and Personal Life: Problems and Opportunities, Faculty of Management, о. Organizer of Consortium on Human Resource Management with representatives from the Faculty of Management and such companies as Alcan, Celanese Canada, Bank of Montreal, Steinberg, Molson, Imperial Oil, Transport Canada and Bell Canada. 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