
Medicine Class of 2022 celebrates graduation with luncheon and prizes

Congratulations to the MDCM Class of 2022! On May 13, the University’s 190th graduating class of medicine attended their Graduation Luncheon Ceremony to celebrate this milestone. Mélanie Mondou, MDCM, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) in the School of Medicine, opened the event. David Eidelman, MDCM, Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, addressed the Class and shared his own personal anecdotes and wisdom with them.

Sabrina Fallavollita, MDCM, Assistant Dean of UGME, opened the awards ceremony portion of the event, during which 21 student prizes were presented (see our photo slideshow for pics). In addition, Preetha Krishnamoorthy, MDCM, received the MSW Wellness Award for Clinical Teachers. The MSW Award is a student-voted award that recognizes a clinical teacher that best models a commendable life-work balance through expert professionalism, clinical competence and exemplary self-care.

The event concluded with a Class toast and a luncheon – and nearly 170 warm smiles and best wishes filling the University building.

Members of the Medicine Class of 2022 receive their degrees on May 26 as part of the Health Sciences Spring Convocation ceremony (Program and to ceremony).

click to view the photos.

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