ࡱ> U_Ta` @>bjbj 4x@6<<<<<<<PxxxxPN`dzzzzUs NNNNNNN$ QhsSp*N<PUUPP*N<<zz?N0!!!P<z<zN!PN!!J<<tMzX 0_~x "8K"MoN<NZKS SDtMS<tM|C!l5*N*N! NPPPPPPPD PPPPPP<<<<<<   EMBED Word.Picture.8  Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism Centre sur les droits de la personne et le pluralisme juridique & Socit qubcoise de droit international Confrence Katia-Boustany: Hybrid Courts in Context 17 February 2006 Faculty of Law 3644 Peel, Room 202 PROCS-VERBAL Panel 3 Relations with other entities Chair: Luc Ct Panellists: Richard Dicker (Director, International Justice Project, Human Rights Watch, NYC) Theme: Bosnian War Crimes Chamber Frdric Mgret (о) - Theme: Theoretical Justifications for Hybrid Courts, with focus on Iraq Caitlin Reiger (former legal officer, SCSL and Int Centre for Transitional justice ,NYC) Theme: Contribution to Domestic Courts Richard Dicker The ICTY was established in 1993 and has been unable to investigate and prosecute the vast majority of crimes that arose in Bosnia Herzegovina. HRW feels that to date, the ICTY has been relatively successful in trying individuals for atrocities throughout the former Yugoslavia. The BWCC will further narrow the impunity gap. The War Crimes chamber was officially inaugurated in 1995. Joint initiative of the ICTY. In addition to the limited number of ICTY referrals, the docket of the BWCC includes cases from the state courts of Bosnia Herzegovina. BWCC operates on 6% of the budget of the ICTY. Chamber is essentially a domestic institution operating under national law. There is an aggressive transition strategy for the phasing out of the ICTY. There is clear ethnic bias in the Prosecution of cases. Another problem has been that of poor case preparation in the cantonal court. Cases undermined by the fact that prosecutor lacked evidence. Lack of cooperation between the police forces and both entities (the ICTY and the BWCC). In that context this specialized Chamber was created as part of a national overhaul of criminal legal procedure. It has promise because of its location, its accessibility, and the fact that it was created as a specialized war crimes chamber. Human Rights Watch, nevertheless, has real concerns significant resource shortages may mean that the prosecution department is unable to conduct its work effectively. The existing case-load includes highly sensitive cases, including those relating to Rule 11bis. There are also problems arising from the lack of regional cooperation many possible defendants have moved to SM and other places. The BWCC lacks Chapter 7 means of requiring state cooperation. The relationship between the BWCC and the cantonal & district courts will be another important issue. The latter will try most accused, but will inevitably continue to suffer from resource shortages. The challenge lies in maintaining the cantonal & district courts ability to act. Success of the BWCC should be measured partially in terms of its role in the national justice system. There needs to be meaningful spillover into the national system, in order to counteract the two-tier aspect of the system. The concern regarding the two-tier system is that the specialized chamber will absorb the limited amount of resources coming in from the outside which may give rise to problems of lack of experience and expertise as the specialized chamber becomes the upper-echelon of the two-tier justice system. The bulk of war crimes cases could be left to languish. We must affirmatively work for positive spill-over, in light of which the goals of the Chamber and its legacy need to be examined. This requires careful consideration of the national justice system. Recommendations: Consultations with all other relevant actors (the judiciary, political actors, civil society etc.) at the beginning as to the role of the specialized chamber. How will this role positively enhance the system? Crucial that any specialized chamber will be given responsibility in enhancing this responsibility, particularly as regards ensuring the prosecution of serious war crimes and improving procedural aspects of fairness. Training, shadowing etc. Principle problem in Bosnia ethnic bias. There should be coordinated engagement between the national courts and the BWCC in order to reduce the perception of bias (caused by the existence of the 2-tier system) Court personnel are already over-extended and over-worked. There is often resistance from officials in the national system. A broader mandate would encourage cross-fertilisation. Consultations at the beginning of the process would encourage the feeling of some level of ownership of the process. Strengthening national impoverished systems is always a major challenge. The UN should step up to the plate. Hybrid tribunals could be seen as the porte dentre into those countries domestic systems. The international community must prioritise provision of assistance to the Court system. This is tough long-term work. Governments must also step-up to the plate and put these initiatives into these countries. Frdric Mgret An unanswered question is what is fundamentally good about hybrid tribunals? We need a proper normative defence of hybridity. They are not just second best in fact they embody the type of tribunals that most makes sense. The defences in legal literature are not very normative: they may be more feasible in the relevant political context tribunal fatigue in the international community no UN Security Council Resolution is required in order to set them up more legitimate more likely to be accepted by domestic society However, these are arguments to have hybrid tribunals instead of international tribunals, but they are not arguments why not just domestic courts. We need a strong defence of hybridity because it runs against the dominant ideology in international criminal law: complementarity (assume that domestic trials are better only international courts where domestic are clearly not working). We must, therefore, make a choice between complementarity and hybridity. Two problems regarding complementarity: Complementarity is the opposite of primacy. The approach taken has frequently been one of either-or: we cannot merge the two concepts. The question of hybridity asks why cant we have both? Complementarity risks falling into the reserve excess compared to that into which primacy falls it assumes that international trials are the last resort. Primacy does the opposite it assumes always best to have international trials. It has been seen as a taboo to challenge complementarity. How did we end up with this view? A likely answer is the desire to protect sovereignty. There are other elements though: the root of the problem is the functionalist approach to international criminal law taken by lawyers. Over the last 50 years, international criminal lawyers have been obsessed with impunity, which has led to the construction of the international judicial machinery in a manner intended to maximise efficiency and ensure that more people are tried. However, in this rush to judging criminals, something is missed: the symbolic element of international criminal law. As Durkheim pointed out, criminal justice is not really about punishing criminals it is about reinforcing societal values. In this regard we can have regard to Morgans idea of retributory theatre which involves the re-enactment of crimes, with catharsis as a result. A central question is what underlying society do criminals point to? In domestic law it is obvious there is a clearly evident society within the state concerned. With international crimes, they are crimes against the society of that country but also crimes against humanity the international community. International crimes are not so called only because of their source, but also because they offend in some international sense. This is not merely an esoteric point direct transnational consequences are visible. Equally, we dont want to be radical cosmopolitanists. We cannot forget, however, that international crimes are in fact committed against particular people. They were crimes against Rwandan society, crimes against Bosnian society, etc. Equally, they are crimes against humanity, crimes under international law. The latter element is important and is lost with domestic trials. We need a forum which reflects both the universal and the national element. The tribunal is the message using international tribunals sends the message that the concern is of an international nature and may been seen as constituting a denial that the local claims have been offended. Equally, if we have only domestic trials, we miss the international element. Complementarity and primacy force us to choose between these things. Hybrid tribunals are uniquely suited to the dual nature of international crimes because their structure mimics the structure of the crime with which they are concerned. There is probably something faulty with the ICTY - it needs more potential to morph into a more hybrid body. In the ICC Statute, there is a discrete presence of hybridity. Hybridity is a flexible formula it can be fine-tuned to the nature of the case load. Having an entirely Iraqi tribunal is also a mistake as cloaking the process in sovereignty constitutes a denial of the international nature of the crime. There are both internal and external elements of Husseins acts to have an entirely Iraqi tribunal could be seen as impinging upon the sovereignty of other countries. Caitlin Reiger The expectations of hybrid tribunals were initially a form of wishful thinking by human rights advocates. They are an international intervention which involves acknowledging the problems present in the domestic system. The implicit assumption that the setting up of a court will lead to resolution of problems has not been fully examined. These expectations are clear in the Secretary Generals report. The political reality is that much of the support for hybrid bodies is based upon the cost of the ad hoc tribunals. The aim was to find a solution that is faster and cheaper. However, there has not been a willingness to provide the resources to make it effective. One of the desires behind the SCSL was to have trials without the instability caused by doing it domestically. Another reason for sacrificing sovereignty may be getting funds into the country, rather than leaving a lasting legacy. In Kosovo, what may look like an attempt to fulfil a long term vision also concerned economic concerns. In Timor, the motivation was partly related to the fact that a number of accused had been handed over and there was a concern as to what to do with them. There is a fundamental discrepancy of intention donors want reasonably fast and cheap justice. How do we make that rhetoric a reality? Do we need to reduce our own expectations? What impact has there been on national systems? The Secretary Generals report focuses upon concrete structural changes or capacity building. The reality is that small numbers of people are involved in these courts, which limits the amount of skills which can be transferred. In East Timor, judges faced resentment from national colleagues because of the extra pay that they would receive. Capacity building may be seen as being at odds with other imperatives. A system of incentives is necessary in order to ensure that the work gets done. The individuals who do work there then get opportunities to go and work elsewhere, for example, defence counsel in Sierra Leone recently got a position at the ICC. Another important issue is that of infrastructure. In terms of physical legacy in Sierra Leone, a state of the art court has been created, but the reality of its maintenance requirements may make it unsustainable. It is useful to extend our consideration to less tangible considerations. The possibility of law reform depends upon the willingness of the national governments. The possibility of adding jurisprudential resources through the tribunal decisions depends, naturally, upon the quality of the jurisprudence. The demonstration effect demonstration effect is of crucial importance in setting new standards - actively raising awareness. In a similar vein, the strengthening of the voice of civil society is part of the assumption in the new Cambodian Tribunals budget. Legacy has to be made part of the mandate. The SCSL has been a success in many areas, e.g., the use of local police and investigators, but its impact on domestic practice has been limited. This is partly because it was created as a separate institution, but this is part of the reason for its success in other areas. The fact that the SCSL was created separately has been challenged under the Sierra Leonian Constitution, and this separation has been used by domestic courts judges as a reason not to cooperate/coordinate. Another respect in which SCSLs success has been limited is the lack of appointment of Sierra Leonian judges, which has inevitably created a perception of greater distance within the legal community (even though the state of SL could select the judges). In East Timor, by contrast, there was a greater degree of integration, but there was still very little local impact. Capacity building is a long, slow process, involving acceptance of the local. The Bosnian model offers more hope. There is an inverse relationship the more separate a hybrid tribunal is the more successful it is in meeting standards. We should reduce our expectations the primary aim of any tribunal is not to fix all of the problems of local justice we should not wish to burden local people with those goals. We dont want to condemn them to failure at the outset. On a more positive note, it would be beneficial to forge better links with legal training institutions in the country in the form of specialized legal outreach.  !#OҺs]C7.hY5mH sH hghY5mH sH 3hghY5:B*CJOJQJaJmH phsH +hghY5:B*CJOJQJaJph.j-h =whYB*CJ`OJQJUaJ`ph6j*KA h =whYCJ`OJQJUVaJ`mHnHu%h =whYB*CJ`OJQJaJ`ph.jh =whYB*CJ`OJQJUaJ`ph%hY5:B*CJOJQJaJphh0+hYCJaJjh0+hYCJUaJ "#O  & ' ( ) 7 8 9 A $a$gd!gd!$a$gdYgdY0i[ &$d%d&d'd+D`NOPQgdY@>) 7 8 9 _ ` e r | Y    CGq 3 uh3h!5>*hkd*h!6 h!5>*hu;h!5>*hmhFhnK>*hFh!>*hFh!5h!hYCJaJhYhY56>* hY5h JhY56hYhY5mH sH hY5mH sH h JhY5CJaJmH sH .A _ ` h q r ~ Y  I & FEƀɂFgd!gd!$a$gd!  6  k!I & FEƀɂFgd!I & FEƀɂFgd!I & FEƀɂFgd! k!I & FEƀɂFgd!I & FEƀɂFgd!I & FEƀɂFgd!k!I & FEƀɂF gd!I & FEƀɂF gd!I & FEƀɂFgd!/k!I & FEƀɂF gd!I & FEƀɂF gd!I & FEƀɂF gd!k!I & FEƀɂFogd!I & FEƀɂFogd!I & FEƀɂFgd!k!I & FEƀɂFogd!I & FEƀɂFogd!I & FEƀɂFogd!opqfI & FEƀɂFgd!gd!I & FEƀɂFogd! k!I & FEƀɂFogd!I & FEƀɂFogd!I & FEƀɂFgd! 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