Antony Shruti Predhep | 15 Sep 2021
Address: 1000 Sainte-​Antoine Street West suite 410, MonÂtreal QC H3C 3R7
TeleÂphone: (514) 866‑3689
SerÂvices: Loan of wheelÂchairs, hosÂpiÂtal beds, walkÂers, etc. for a limÂited period of time. PayÂment of transÂportaÂtion cost in the case of out of town patients comÂing to MonÂtreal for conÂsulÂtaÂtion and treatÂment. ProÂviÂsion of speÂcial equipÂment to the severely handicapped.
WorkÂing Hours: Every day 8:30 A.M. — 4:00 P.M.