

Beno卯t Joly, Bochum (1/3), Marco Castronovo, Columbia (2/3), Agniva Roy, Georgia Tech (3/3)

Friday, March 25, 2022 09:15to10:45

(1/3) Title: Barcodes for Hamiltonian homeomorphisms of surfaces
Abstract: In this talk, we will study the Floer Homology barcodes from a dynamical point of view. Our motivation comes from recent results in symplectic topology using barcodes to obtain dynamical results. We will give the ideas of new constructions of barcodes for Hamiltonian homeomorphisms of surfaces using Le Calvez's transverse foliation theory. The strategy consists in copying the construction of the Floer and Morse Homologies using dynamical tools like Le Calvez's foliations.

(2/3) Title: Polyhedral Liouville domains

Abstract: I will explain the construction of a new class of Liouville domains that live in a complex torus of arbitrary dimension, whose boundary dynamics encodes information about the singularities of a toric compactification. The primary motivation for this work is to find a symplectic interpretation of some curious Laurent polynomials that appear in mirror symmetry for Fano manifolds; it also potentially opens a path to bound symplectic capacities of polarized projective varieties from below.(3/3) Title: Constructions of High Dimensional Legendrians and IsotopiesAbstract: See abstract here

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