

Casey Kelleher (Princeton University)

Thursday, September 27, 2018 14:30to15:30
Burnside Hall Room 1104, 805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA

Title:Symplectic curvature flow revisited

Abstract: We continue studying a parabolic flow of almost K盲hler structures introduced by Streets and Tian which naturally extendsK盲hler-Ricci flow onto symplectic manifolds. In the system of primarily the symplectic form, almost complex structure, Chern torsion and Chern connection, we establish new formulas for the evolutions of canonical quantities, in particular those related to the Chern connection. Using this, we give an extended characterization of fixed points of the flow originally performed by Streets and Tian.

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