

Dr. D. Korotkin, Concordia University

Thursday, March 9, 2017 12:00to13:00
Room LB-921-04, Library Building Concordia, 1400 de Maisonneuve West, Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8, CA

Mathematical and experimental aspects of gravitational waves discovery.

Recent discovery of gravitational waves at LIGO detectors was a result of long-term efforts by mathematicians and physicists. Mathematically, it required a detailed numerical simulation of interaction and collision of two black holes. Physically, it required the construction of ultra-sensitive detectors which are able to capture gravitational waves emitted as a result of collision of two massive black holes. The detection of the gravitational waves provided another compelling confirmation of Einstein's general relativity formulated exactly 100 years before. We discuss some basics of mathematical formalism involved in the study of gravitational waves and give a brief review of the experimental setup used in LIGO detectors. 聽

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