

Guillermo Gallego (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 13:30to14:30

Title: Multiplicative Hitchin fibration and Langlands duality

Abstract: The multiplicative Hitchin fibration is an analogue of the Hitchin fibration for an algebraic curve, constructed in a similar way, but considering the adjoint action of a group on itself, rather than on its Lie algebra. In this talk we review the basic construction, aswell as its description in terms of the Vinberg monoid. We finish by explaining an ongoing project where we seek to establish a Langlands duality result for multiplicative Hitchin fibrations, similar to the well-known results for the usual Hitchin fibration. This is joint work with Benedict Morrissey.

Location: in person at UQAM PK-5675

or online at Zoom meeting 86352363947

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