

Joseph Helfer (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 14:00to15:00

Title: The integral Chow ring of the moduli stack of compact type curves of genus 2.

Abstract: Computation of the Chow (and cohomology) rings of moduli spaces of curves is a time honoured tradition in algebraic geometry, initiated by Mumford. In most cases where this has been done, one computes only the *rational* Chow ring, in which case the stack structure of the space plays no role. The computation of integral Chow rings is more delicate. In previous work, E. Larson computed the integral Chow ring of \bar{M}_2. We extend this work and compute the integral Chow ring of the open substack of curves with compact Jacobian.

This is joint work with Eric Jovinelly, Eric Larson, Anda Tenie, and Chenxi Wang.

Location: UQAM PK-5675

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