David Frost
Associate Dean聽(Student Affairs)

Associate Chair (Curriculum Affairs)
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology
M.S. California Institute of Technology
B.ASc. University of British Columbia
MECH 534: Air Pollution Engineering (3 Credits)
FACC 100: Intro to the Eng. Profession (1 Credits)
- Frost, D. L., Bruckert, B., and Ciccarelli, G., "Effect of Boundary Conditions on the Propagation of a Vapor Explosion in Stratified Molten Tin/Water Systems," Nucl. Eng. Design, 155, 311-333, 1995.
- Lee, J. J., Brouillette, M., Frost, D. L., and Lee, J. H. S., "Effect of Diethylenetriamine Sensitization on Detonation of Nitromethane in Porous Media", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 100, pp. 292-300, 1995.
- Lee, J. J., Frost, D. L., Lee, J. H. S., and Dremin, A., "Propagation of Nitromethane Detonation in Porous Media," Shock Waves, Vol. 5, No. 1/2, pp. 115-120, 1995.
- More publications (2000 to present)
- More publications (before 2000)
- Flames in hybrid metal particle-gas mixtures
- Combustion synthesis of hybrid ballistic ceramics
- Ballistic impact of shear-thickening fluids
- Instabilities in high-speed multiphase flow
- Particle motion in supersonic flows
- Read more
Primary Research Theme: Combustion and Energy Systems
Secondary Research Theme: Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Explosions, high-speed combustion processes, and shock wave physics. In particular, explosive boiling, including steam explosions due to molten metal/water interactions and rapid-phase-transitions following rapid depressurization of a liquid; multiphase combustion of gases, liquids and solids, including detonation propagation in gases and liquids in porous media; combustion synthesis of metal powders; explosive dispersion of inert particles; interaction of a shock wave with a compressible material.