Down with flavones, flavanols and flavanones; the hydroxycinnamates, hydroxybenzoates and all carotenoids! No, I do not mean that these and all the other antioxidants should be banned from our food...
Only if you are a dog. Theobromine was first isolated from cacao beans back in 1841, which explains the name. Cacao beans grow on a tree named Theobroma cacao in 1753 by the Swedish naturalist...
One thing everyone agrees on when it comes to the addition of fluoride to drinking water is that the issue stirs up emotions, both pro and con. But the question should not be based on emotion, it...
Buying toys used to be easy. You went into a toy store, looked around and found something you liked. What mattered was whether the rubber ducky had an appealing look and feel or whether the doll...
It isn鈥檛 a blend of wines from the Bordeaux region of France to sell to undiscerning customers. Bordeaux mixture is a fungicide made of copper sulphate and calcium hydroxide, the latter better...
Maya Blue, a vibrant light blue colour, characterizes the civilisation that flourished across Mesoamerica between the 3rd and 10th century. The pigment was used to decorate pottery, murals and...