

Prof. Matt Dobbs, inaugural Dunlap Award from the Canadian Astronomical Society

Published: 25 March 2014

Congratulations to Prof. Matt Dobbs in the Department of Physics for winning the inaugural Dunlap Award from the Canadian Astronomical Society. He received this award in recognition of his international leadership on the design and implementation of systems using Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor bolometers. The prize citation states in part:

"An internationally recognized figure in experimental cosmology instrumentation, Prof. Dobbs is a leader in the design and implementation of systems using Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor (TES) bolometers. Because TES bolometers can be fabricated lithographically in large arrays, they have allowed a leap forward in experimental sensitivity for CMB experiments. Prof. Dobbs' design and end-to-end implementation of multiplexed TES readout systems for the South Pole Telescope, PolarBEAR, EBEX and other telescopes have contributed directly to groundbreaking advances in CMB research, including galaxy cluster surveys with the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect and ultra-deep measurements of CMB polarization."

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