
March 15, 2016

Faculty of Science, Meeting of Faculty
Tuesday, 15 March at 3:00 p.m.
Leacock Council Room - L232


1. ÌýAdoption of Agenda

2. ÌýResolution on the Death of:

*Emeritus Professor Denis F.R. Gilson, Department of Chemistry*
- Presented by Prof. Masad Damha

3. ÌýUpdate on the Innovation Agenda

-Vice Principal (Research & International Relations) Rosie Goldstein Ìý ÌýÌýPDF icon s-15-25.pdf
- Opening Remarks (5 minutes)
- Questions & Answers (15 minutes)

4. ÌýMinutes of 16 February 2016 PDF icon s-15-24.pdf

5. ÌýBusiness Arising from the Minutes

6. ÌýReports of Committees

- Academic Committee - Associate Dean Tamara Western (documents attached) ÌýÌý PDF icon s-15-26.pdf

7. ÌýDean's Business

a) Announcements
b) Budget

8. ÌýReports of Director & Associate Deans

a) Director (Advising Services) Nicole Allard
b) Associate Dean (Graduate Education) Laura Nilson
c) Associate Dean (Research) Doina Precup
d) Associate Dean (Academic) Tamara Western

9. ÌýReport on Actions of Senate

- Prof. Alfonso Mucci: ÌýSenate Meeting of 17 February 2016

10. Members' Question Period

11. ÌýOther Business


Next Meeting: Ìý19 April 2016


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