
FIGI GIG1 Entrepreneurship Science-based

Offert par : Sciences (Sciences)

Vue d'ensemble

FIGI : This graduate interest group will offer the opportunity to learn about ENTREPRENEURSHIP and the process behind turning science-based ideas into successful products. It takes more than an excellent technology to successfully commercialize a product. Other factors such as freedom to operate, patent protection, market access and requisite infrastructure are equally essential. Meet and discuss what it takes with experienced achievers in that domain.

Trimestres : Ce cours n’est pas au programme de l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

Chargés de cours : Aucun professeur n’est associé à ce cours pour l’année universitaire 2015-2016.

  • FIGI courses carry no credit and there is no charge. First seminar January 18, 2012.

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