General Information
Note: The University Exam Regulations governed by the University Student Assessment Policy are available at
In addition to the University Student Assessment Policy (available on the Secretariat...
Final Examinations
Final examinations in regularly scheduled courses are held during the final examination period at the
end of the term. The format of the final exams can be either online or in person, depending on the situation. The dates of the final...
Final Examinations: University Regulations Concerning Final Examinations
The objectives of these regulations are as follows:
to protect students from
excessive workloads;
to use the entire
Final Examinations: Deferred Examinations
Step 1: Understanding your options and the consequences
Deciding whether or not to defer a final exam can be difficult. While there are obviously times when taking that step is necessary, there are usually more cons...
Deferred Examinations: Faculty of Engineering
For information regarding deferred examinations in the Faculty of Engineering, please see
Final Examinations: Reassessments and
In accordance with the Charter of Students' Rights, and subject to its
stated conditions, you have the right to consult any written submission for
which you have received a grade. You also have the right to...
Reassessments and Rereads: Faculties of Arts and Science (including B.A .& Sc.)
There are two recognized types of impartial reviews: reassessments and rereads:
reassessment of coursework
completed during the term (term papers, mid-terms,...
Reassessments and Rereads: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Two forms of formal re-evaluation
of graded work are possible: reassessments of term work (midterm
exams, quizzes, assignments, etc.) and rereads of final
In both cases...
Reassessments and Rereads: Faculty of Law
For information on the Faculty of Law's grade review regulations (rereads of failed examinations, rereads of failing assignments, and review of final evaluations) refer to:
Rereads: Faculty of Engineering
You can request a formal reread of a final examination once you have discussed it with your instructor. You must complete a Reassessment of a Grade and Reread webform and submit it to the Student Affairs Office, Engineering Student...
Supplemental Examinations
If you are in satisfactory or probationary standing and received a grade of D, F, J, or U, you may be eligible to write a supplemental exam, which will count for a large percentage of your final grade. Your initial grade will still appear...
Additional Work: Faculty of Science (including B.A. & Sc.)
Instructors of courses that include graded, written term work may choose
to provide the option of additional work to eligible students. The following
conditions apply:
if there is an...
Examinations: External Exam Proctors
Upon request, 不良研究所 will act as proctor for paper-based and online exams from universities or professional accreditation associations and organizations.
For complete information on
scheduling, fees, payment and all other...
Faculty of Engineering Policy on Use of Calculators in Faculty Tests and Examinations
The use of calculators during tests and examinations is at the discretion of the course instructor. If a calculator is permitted in the examination, you are required to use one of...
Laptop Examination Policy for the Faculty of Law
All students wishing to write one or more final examinations on their laptop must:
ensure laptop compatibility with Faculty-approved software;
complete the Faculty of Law Laptop Examination Agreement;
download the...
Internships, Exchanges, and Co-op Programs
Internships and Co-op Programs
Internships and Co-op Programs
Several faculties at 不良研究所 offer undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in an internship or co-op program...
Scholarships and Student
The Scholarships and Student Aid Office offers a complete range of merit
and need-based awards for entering and in-course undergraduate students. As
well, the office administers all federal, provincial, and U.S. government...
Entrance Awards for 不良研究所 Students
Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships are available to students entering 不良研究所 for the first time in a full-time undergraduate degree program.
You should consult
In-Course Awards for 不良研究所 Students
Faculty scholarships and awards are decided by the faculty scholarships committees. You should consult the appropriate section of the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Calendar for regulations and information concerning these...
Work Study Program
The Work Study Program provides students with financial assistance
through part-time employment on campus. Students are accepted into the program
based primarily on financial need, though Academic Standing is also considered.
There are a...