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Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC) Related Programs Internship Year in Science (IYS) Internship Year in Science (IYS) IYS is a pregraduate work experience program available to eligible students and normally...
Biochemistry (BIOC) Location Location McIntyre Medical Building 3655 Promenade Sir-William-Osler, Room 905 Montreal QC H3G 1Y6 Telephone: 514-398-7262 Email: zhannat....
U1 Required Courses (23 credits) * Students with CEGEP-level credit for CHEM 212 and/or CHEM 222 should replace these courses with elective courses. BIOC 212 (3)...
Students may transfer into the Major program at any time, provided they have met all course requirements. U1 Required Courses (23 credits) * Note: Students with CEGEP-level credit for the equivalents of CHEM 212 and/or CHEM 222 (see http://www.mcgill.ca...
Admission to the Honours program will not be granted until U2. Students who wish to enter the Honours program in U2 should follow the U1 Major program. Those who satisfactorily complete the U1 Major program with a GPA of at least 3.20 and a mark of B- or better in...
Biochemistry (BIOC) Related Programs Interdepartmental Honours in Immunology Interdepartmental Honours in Immunology For more information, see Immunology. This program is offered by the Departments...
Biology (BIOL) Location Location Stewart Biology Building, Room N7/9B 1205 avenue Docteur Penfield Montreal QC H3A 1B1...
The Minor Biology may be taken in conjunction with any primary program in the Faculty of Science (other than programs offered by the Department of Biology). Students are advised to consult the undergraduate adviser in Biology as early as possible (preferably during...
The Liberal Program - Core Science Component Biology is a flexible program focusing on the fundamentals of biology. Topics include a range of biological concepts spanning molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems, including development, behaviour and...
The Biology Major covers a range of fundamental biological concepts spanning molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems, including development, behaviour and evolution. The areas of focus include: (1) molecular, cellular and developmental biology, (2)...
Interdisciplinary research that draws from the natural and physical sciences is an important aspect of modern biology. The Quantitative Biology option is designed for students with a deep interest in biology who wish to gain a strong grounding in physical sciences...
This program is built on a selection of mathematics and biology courses that recognize mathematical biology as a field of research, with two quantitative streams: Applied Mathematics and Statistics; and three streams within biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology...
The Honours program in Biology is intended for students who are interested in gaining a concentrated research experience. A broad range of fundamental biological concepts spanning molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems, including development, behaviour and...
79 credits Interdisciplinary research that draws from the natural and physical sciences is an important aspect of modern biology. The Quantitative Biology (QB) Honours option is designed for students with a deep interest in biology who wish to gain a strong...
Biology (BIOL) Related Programs and Study Semesters Joint Major in Computer Science and Biology Joint Major in Computer Science and Biology For more information, see Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Major...
Biotechnology (BIOT) Location Location McIntyre Medical Building 3655 Promenade Sir-William-Osler, Room 1325 Montreal, QC H3G 1Y6...
Biotechnology (BIOT) Minor Program Program Advisor Chantal Grignon Life Sciences Building 3649 Sir William Osler, Montreal, QC, H3G 0B1 Telephone: 514-398-3622 Email: chantal.grignon [at] mcgill.ca...
To obtain the Minor Biotechnology, Science students must: a) satisfy both the requirements for the departmental program and for the Minor; b) complete 24 credits, 18 of which must be exclusively for the Minor program.* * Approved substitutions must be made for any...
Biotechnology (BIOT) Related Programs Program for Students in the Faculty of Engineering Program for Students in the Faculty of Engineering See Faculty of Engineering > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs...
Chemistry (CHEM) Location Location Otto Maass Chemistry Building 801 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H3A 0B8 Departmental Office: Room 322 Telephone: 514-398-6999 Website...


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