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Architecture Location Location Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture Macdonald-Harrington Building 815 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC...
Architecture Admission Requirements and Application Procedures Admission Requirements Admission Requirements M.Arch. (Professional) Program (Non-Thesis...
The M.Arch. (Professional); Non-Thesis degree program provides a structured opportunity to explore advanced architectural design, integrating building construction, landscape and urban design, professional practice, sustainable design, and the history and theory of...
The Ph.D. in Architecture is a research degree with a thesis, the foundations for which are developed through a series of courses taken in the first two years of study. Each student meets regularly with the supervisor in the first year to prepare the thesis...
Bioengineering Location Location Department of Bioengineering McConnell Engineering Building, Room 350 3480 University Street Montreal QC H3A 0E9 Telephone: 514-...
Chemical Engineering Location Location Department of Chemical Engineering M.H. Wong Building 3610 University Street Montreal QC H3A 0C5 Canada Telephone: 514-398-4494 Fax: 514-398-6678 Email:...
Chemical Engineering Admission Requirements and Application Procedures Admission Requirements Admission Requirements Admission to graduate studies requires a minimum CGPA of 3.0/4.0 (or...
The M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (Thesis) is a research-oriented program that focuses on advanced materials and polymers, biomedical engineering and biotechnology, environmental engineering, energy, plasma science and artificial intelligence-assisted design and...
Research Project Project (design or research): 6-12 credits. 6 credits must include the following course: CHEE 695 (6) Project in Chemical Engineering...
This program is currently not accepting applicants. Research Project (6 credits) CHEE 695 (6) Project in Chemical Engineering Required...
The Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering focuses on advanced materials and polymers, biomedical engineering and biotechnology, environmental engineering, energy, plasma science and artificial intelligence-assisted design and optimization. The program offers advanced...
Civil Engineering Location Location Department of Civil Engineering Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 492 817 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H3A 0C3 Canada Telephone: 514-398-6858 Email: gradinfo.civil [at] mcgill...
Civil Engineering Admission Requirements and Application Procedures Admission Requirements Admission Requirements The general rules of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies apply and are detailed in...
The M.Sc. in Civil Engineering focuses on structures and structural materials; infrastructure rehabilitation; risk engineering; fluid mechanics and hydraulics; materials engineering; soil behaviour; soil mechanics and foundations; water resources engineering;...
The program consists of a minimum of 45 credits, of which, depending on the student's home department, a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 may be allotted to the research project. The balance of 30 to 40 credits is earned by coursework. The Department also allows...
The MEng Non-Thesis program aims to provide a more professional orientation to graduate students. The main features of this degree program are: A minimum of 15 credits selected from a list of research oriented courses A maximum of 30 credits with emphasis on...
Thesis A thesis for the doctoral degree must constitute original scholarship and must be a distinct contribution to knowledge. It must show familiarity with previous work in the field and must demonstrate ability to plan and carry out research, organize...
Electrical and Computer Engineering Location Location Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering McConnell Engineering Building, Room 602 3480 University Street Montreal QC H3A 0E9...
Electrical and Computer Engineering Admission Requirements and Application Procedures Admission Requirements Admission Requirements English Proficiency Requirement: Applicants to graduate studies...
The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (Thesis) is research oriented and the thesis is expected to involve a thorough examination of a topic of current interest in the research area within the Department. Undertaking this program at 不良研究所...


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