
Video Archives

Britt Wray

Climate Anxiety and Transformational Resilience (2025)

Gernot Wagner

Climate Risks, Uncertainties, and Opportunities (2023)

Annalee Newitz

Worldbuilding Is Resistance: Environmental Science Fiction and Direct Action (2023)

Kim Stanley Robinson

Imagining a Good Anthropocene (Montreal 2140 Conference, 2023)

Chris Wooding

Restoring Ecological Function from Seed to Landscape (2022)

Jean Lemire

An Odyssey of Change (2022)

Gina McCarthy

Moving Forward in Uncertain Times: the Future of our Environment (2018)

Naomi Oreskes

Merchants of Doubt: How a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming (2011)

Previous Environment Lectures聽

聽Jodi Hilty

Making a Case for Large Landscape Conservation听(2017)

聽Frances Westley

Social Transformation Through Social听(2016)

Andrew Revkin

Charting a 鈥淕ood鈥 Path in a Turbulent Age (2015)

David Owen

The Conundrum: How Scientific Innovation, Increased Efficiency, and Good Intentions Can Make Our Energy and Climate Problems Worse (2014)

聽Linda Lear

Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature (2012)

Nalini Nadkarni

Looking Upward and Outward: Rainforest Canopy Research (2012)

Gwynne Dyer

Climate Wars (2010)

Reverend Canon Sally Bingham

Shared Purpose, A Religious Response to the Climate Crisis (2010)

Wes Jackson

The Oldest Environmental Problem Must and Can Be Solved (2010)

Bruce Mau

The Future of Environmental Design (2006)

To view past lectures, please send your request to secretary.environment [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Video%20Archives) 听.

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