
Water Environments and Ecosystems Concentration (60-63 credits)

This program is open only to students in the B.Sc. or B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) Major Environment.

What physical and biological processes operate in fresh and saltwater ecosystems, and how can they be protected?

To educate students in both the ecological and physical facets of the water environment, this domain offers two streams, with students choosing one or the other facet. Those electing the Biological Stream will focus聽on the mechanisms regulating the different forms of life in water bodies. They will acquire, as well, a good understanding of the physical mechanisms controlling water properties.

Students interested in studying the transport and transformation mechanisms of water on the planet, from rivers to the oceans and atmosphere, will select the Physical Stream. They will acquire, as well, a solid background in the biological processes taking place in water bodies.

Graduates of this Domain are qualified to enter the workforce or to pursue advanced studies in fields such as marine biology, geography, physical oceanography and atmospheric science.

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