Genevieve Ali
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Process hydrology, Complex systems science, Environmental modelling
Mette Bendixen
Title: Assistant Professor
Research areas: Arctic landscape change, Geomorphology, Global sand scarcity, Sediment fluxes, Natural resources
Sebastien Breau
Title: Associate Professor and Department Chair
Research areas: Economic geography, Regional economic development, Spatial Inequalities, International trade, Quantitative methods, Innovation
Gail L. Chmura
Title: Professor
Research areas: Biogeography, Paleo-ecology, Wetland dynamics, Climate Feedbacks of Wetlands, Wetland Land Use Changes
Oliver T. Coomes
Title: Professor
Research areas: Environment & development in Latin America, Peasant economy, Livelihoods, Conservation, Tropical forests
Yann le Polain de Waroux
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Livelihoods, Land use and land cover change, Development, Environment and development, Latin America
Tim Elrick
Title: Faculty Lecturer & Director of the GIC
Research areas: Geographic Information Science
Benjamin Forest
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Social geography, Political geography, Urban geography
Sarah Harris
Title: Faculty Lecturer
Research areas: Climate change, Environmental modelling, Environmental management
Margaret Kalacska
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Remote sensing, Hyperspectral imaging, Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPAS), Satellite Imagery, LiDAR, Thermal Imaging, Photogrammetry
Sara Knox
Title: Assistant Professor
Research areas: Micrometeorology, Ecosystem Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Climate change, Wetlands
Bernhard Lehner
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Global hydrology, Hydrography of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and wetlands, Hydrology and GIS, Conservation hydrology
Graham MacDonald
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Global agriculture, Food systems, Land system science, Sustainability
Mallik Mahmud
Title: Assistant Professor
Research areas: Arctic, Sea Ice, Snow, Microwave Remote Sensing
Kevin Manaugh
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Sustainable Transportation, Spatial Justice, Decision making processes, GIS
Grant McKenzie
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Spatial Data Science, Geographic Information Science
Thom Meredith
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Environmental management, Impact assessment, Environmental conflict resolution in Canada
Tim Moore
Title: Professor Emeritus
Research areas: Soils, Biogeochemistry, Ecology of peatlands, Climate change
Sherry Olson
Title: Professor Emerita
Research areas: Environmental history, Life Histories in Urban Environments, Life trajectories
Brian Robinson
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Institutions, Ecosystem services, International development, Livelihoods & environment, Quantitative methods
Darius Scott
Title: Assistant Professor
Research areas: Health, Social geography, Cultural geography
Raja Sengupta
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: GIS, Spatial decision support systems, Agent-based modeling
Renee Sieber
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Use of information technology by marginalized communities, community based organizations, & social movements
Christian von Sperber
Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Biogeochemistry, Nutrient cycling in soils, Stable isotopes
George Wenzel
Title: Professor Emeritus
Research areas: Northern peoples, Renewable resource harvesting in Arctic Canada, Public policy