
Articles and Chapters

  1. Mazurek, C.M., Pearsall, D. J., Renaud, P. J., Robbins, S. M. (2024) Inter-Segment Coordination of Male and Female Collegiate Ice Hockey Players During Forward Skating Starts. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2024.2337936
  2. Robbins, S. M., Renaud, P. J., MacInnis, N., & Pearsall, D. J. (2023) Differences in trunk–shoulder inter‑joint coordination and sequencing between elite and recreational ice hockey players during slap shots. Sports Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s12283-023-00441-5
  3. Léger, T., Renaud, P. J., Robbins, S. M., & Pearsall, D. J. (2022) Pilot Study of Embedded IMU Sensors and Machine Learning Algorithms for Automated Ice Hockey Stick Fitting. sensors, DOI: 10.3390/s22093419
  4. Robbins, S. M., Renaud, P. J., MacInnis, N., Pearsall, D. J., (2020) The relationship between trunk rotation and shot speed when performing ice hockey wrist shots. Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1853336
  5. Mazurek, C.M., Pearsall, D. J., Renaud, P. J., Robbins, S. M. (2020) Differences in inter-segment coordination between high-and low-calibre ice hockey players during forward skating. Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2020.1797151
  6. Liu, K., Aponte, D.I., Greencorn, D.J., Robbins, S. M., & Pearsall, D. J. (2019) Are headforms a poor surrogate for helmet fit? Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, DOI: 10.1177/1754337119882836
  7. Liu, K., Greencorn, D.J., Aponte, D.I., Robbins, S. M., & Pearsall, D. J. (2019) Comparison of surrogate 50th percentile human headforms to an adult male sample using three-dimensional modeling and principal component analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, doi: 10.1177/1754337119840848
  8. Robbins, S. M., Renaud, P. J., & Pearsall, D. J. (2018). Principal component analysis identifies differences in ice hockey skating stride between high- and low-calibre players. Sports Biomechanics, 1-19. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2018.1524510
  9. Budarick, A. R., Shell, J. R., Robbins, S. M. K., Wu, T., Renaud, P. J., & Pearsall, D. J. (2018). Ice hockey skating sprints: run to glide mechanics of high calibre male and female athletes. Sports Biomechanics, 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2018.1503323
  10. Greencorn, D.J., Aponte, D.I., Pearsall, D.J. (2018) Photogrammetry: An accurate and cost-effective three-dimensional ice hockey helmet fit acquisition method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/1754337118768322
  11. Shell, J. R., Robbins, S. M. K., Dixon, P. C., Renaud, P. J., Wu, T., Turcotte, R. A., & Pearsall, D. J. (2017). Skating start propulsion: three-dimensional kinematic analysis of elite male and female ice hockey players. Sports Biomechanics, 1-12. doi:10.1080/14763141.2017.1306095
  12. Renaud, P. J., Robbins, S. M. K., Dixon, P. C., Shell, J. R., Turcotte, R. A., & Pearsall, D. J. (2017). Ice hockey skate starts: a comparison of high and low calibre skaters. Sports Engineering, 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s12283-017-0227-0
  13. Dixon, P.C., Loh J.J., Michaud-Paquette, Y., & Pearsall, D.J. (2016) biomechZoo: An open-source toolbox for the processing, analysis, and visualization of biomechanical movement data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
  14. Turcotte, R. A., Renaud, P., & Pearsall, D. J. (2016). Ice Hockey Skate, Stick Design and Performance Measures. In The Engineering Approach to Winter Sports (pp. 311-326). Springer New York.
  15. Fortier, A., Tourcotte, R.A., & Pearsall, D.J. (2014). Skating mechanics of change-of-direction manoeuvres in ice hockey players. Sports Biomechanics, 13(4), 341-350
  16. Ouckama, R, Pearsall, D. (2014) Projectile Impact Testing of Ice Hockey Helmets: Headform Kinematics and Dynamic Measurement of Localized Pressure Distribution, in Proceedings of the IRCOBI, 2014, IRC–14–16 Berlin, Germany, Sept 10-12
  17. Pearsall, D., Turcotte, R., Levangie, M., & Forget, S. (2013). Biomechanical Adaptation in Ice Hockey Skating. Routledge Handbook of Ergonomics in Sport and Exercise, 37.
  18. Ouckama, R. and D.J. Pearsall (2012) Impact Performance of Ice Hockey Helmets: Head Acceleration versus Focal Force Dispersion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. 226(3)–(4), 185–192.5
  19. Ouckama, R. and D.J. Pearsall. (2012) Impact performance of ice hockey helmets: head acceleration versus focal force dispersion. DOI:10.1177/1754337111435625
  20. Hannon A, Michaud-Paquette Y, Turcotte RA, Pearsall DJ (2011). Dynamic strain profile of the ice hockey stick: comparison of player calibre and stick shaft stiffness. Sports Engineering 14(2-4)57-65.
  21. Michaud-Paquette Y, Magee P, Turcotte RA, Pearsall DJ (2011). Predictors of scoring accuracy: whole body coordination during ice hockey wrist shot mechanics. Sports Biomechanics. 10(1):12-21.
  22. Ouckama R, Pearsall DJ (2010) Evaluation of a Flexible Force Sensor for Measurement of Helmet Foam Impact Performance. Journal of Biomechanics. 44(5):904-909.
  23. Stidwill TJ, Turcotte R, Pearsall DJ, (2010) Comparison of Skating Kinetics and Kinematics on Ice and on a Synthetic Surface, Sport Biomechanics 9(1): 57–64
  24. Stidwill TJ, Pearsall DJ, Dixon P, Turcotte R, (2010) Force Transducer System for Measurement of Ice Hockey Skating Force, Sports Engineering 12:63–68
  25. Chang R, Turcotte R, Pearsall D (2009) Hip Adductor Muscle Function in Forward Skating, Journal of Sport Biomechanics 8(3): 212-222
  26. Dowler PM, Pearsall DJ, Stapley PJ. (2009) Effects of ice hockey facial protectors on response time and kinematics in goal directed tasks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 223:99-108
  27. Michaud-Paquette Y, Pearsall DJ, Turcotte RA (2009) Predictors of scoring accuracy: ice hockey wrist shot mechanics Sports Engineering 11:75-84
  28. Pearsall DJ and Dowler P. (2008) A Longitudinal Study of Hockey Helmet Shelf Life. Journal of ASTM International, Vol. 5, No. 8 Paper ID JAI101870 available online at and (2009) Journal of ASTM International Selected Technical Papers STP1516 Safety in Ice Hockey: 5th Volume, Editors Richard M. Greenwald and Alan B. Ashare, West Conshohocken, PA, 99-106.
  29. Upjohn T, Turcotte R, Pearsall DJ, Loh J (2008) Three dimensional kinematics of the lower limbs during forward ice hockey Sport Biomechanics 7(2): 205–220
  30. Lemair M, Pearsall DJ (2007) Evaluation of impact attenuation of facial protectors in ice hockey helmets. Sports Engineering 10: 65-74
  31. Lomond KV, Turcotte RA, and Pearsall DJ (2007) Blade position and orientation during an ice hockey slap shot Sports Engineering 10: 87-100
  32. Pearsall DJ and Turcotte RA (2007) Ice Hockey: Evaluation of Modern Skate and Stick Designs, in Materials In Sports Equipment Volume 2, editor A Subic, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge England pp 203-224
  33. Villasenor- Herrara A, Pearsall DJ, Turcotte RA (2006) Recoil effect of the ice hockey stick during a slap shot. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 22(3):202-211
  34. Morrison P, Pearsall DJ, Turcotte RA, Lockwood K & Montgomery DL (2005) Skate blade hollow and oxygen consumption during forward skating. Sports Engineering 8(2):91-98
  35. Safety in Ice Hockey. (2004) 4th Vol, ASTM STP 1446, pp 300. Pearsall DJ and Ashare AB, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials. (ISBN - 08031-3473-8)
  36. Wu T, Pearsall DJ, Turcotte R, Montgomery DL, Lefebvre R (2003) Ice Hockey Stick Bend and Twist Measurement during Slap and Wrist Shots. Sports Engineering. 6(1):31-39
  37. Montgomery DL, Pearsall DJ, Turcotte R (2003) The Evolution of Body Size in the National Hockey League, History of Ice Hockey. Putting it on ice Volume II: Internationalizing 'Canada's Game, ed. CD Howell, Gorsebrook Research Institute, Halifax, NS, Canada 95-99
  38. Nobes K, Montgomery D, Pearsall D, Turcotte R, Lefebvre R, and Whittom F (2003) A comparison of skating economy on-ice and on the skating treadmill. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology 28(1):1-11
  39. Pearsall DJ, Wall E, Hoshizaki B (2000) Comparison of International Ice Hockey Helmet Standards Safety in Ice Hockey, Third Volume, ASTM STP 1341, A.B. Ashare, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, 78-92.
  40. Turcotte R, Pearsall DJ, Montgomery DL (2001) Stiffness properties of ice hockey skates. Sports Engineering 4:43-48
  41. Spyrou E, Pearsall DJ, Hoshizaki TB (2000) Effect of local shell geometry and material properties on ice hockey helmet impact energy attenuation. Sports Engineering. 3(1):25-36.
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