
The Neuro’s Open Science multi-modal biobank is now live!

Researchers can access the data and provide feedback on the platform

For the last four years, theClinical Biologic Imaging and Genetic(C-BIG)Repositoryhas been recruiting patients and healthy controls, as well as collecting longitudinal and clinicalinformation, imaging, and genetic data. This collectionisnowopento outside collaborators,and its director,Dr. Jason Karamchandani,is calling on researchers toaccess the dataandprovidefeedbacktoimprovethe portalover time.

“This is a very exciting time,”hesays. “We have workedhardto establishan ethical frameworkthat allows us to recruit from both adult and pediatric populations.To date, we haverecruitednearly3,000 patients and healthy controls.”

TheC-BIGRepositoryis an Open Science collection of biological samples, clinical information, imaging and data frompeoplewith neurological disorders as well as healthy research participants.Itwas established in 2016as part of The Neuro’s Tanenbaum Open Science Institute.

Since then,Dr. Karamchandani and his team have been collectingand storingbiospecimens, clinical, imaging,and genetic data to create arepository thatscientistsaroundthe world can use toinvestigate neurological disorderswith an aim todevelopbetter treatments. Of thenearly3,000 individuals included in the biobank,more than1,000 have hadsome form of genome-wide interrogation.C-BIG’s largest collections are from patients withParkinson’s disease, ALS, neuromuscular diseases, with growing collections in multiple sclerosis, autism, andfronto-temporal lobar dementia.

C-Big chart - click for more details

The most challenging aspectwasbuildingthisplatformwith the principles of Open Science at the forefront.Whilemanyother biobanks exist,theC-BIGRepositoryisunique becausethe framework incorporated the principles of Open Sciencefrom the start. From the patient consent process onward, the team had to designtools that would allow for data sharing while respectingand protectingpatientprivacy. One of thesolutionswas to implementa system oftiered-access where certain data isfullyopen,while data that is more sensitive requiresan electronic signaturethatthe user agrees to terms and conditions; the user essentially promises ‘to do no harm’. As for biological samplessuch ascerebrospinal fluid that are non-renewable, a‘Tissue and Data’committee considerseachaccessrequest on a case-by-case basis.

“We weren't just able to reinvent the wheel,”says Dr. Karamchandani. “We arebuilding something quite unique here, and wehad toinnovateasthe project evolved.”

Now that the platform is live(), researchers can access thedata portalandselect relevantdata to advance their research.Dr. Karamchandani hopes thatusers willprovide feedback that will help the C-BIGteammakeimprovementsto help build the most useful tool for the research community.“It isa co-development phase”, Dr. Karamchandani says,“where researchers get to be part oftheC-BIGRepository’simplementationand growth.”

“We don't want to create this in a vacuum,” he says. “We want to build something our users need, not something that we think they need.”

Dr. Karamchandani says he looks forward to seeing the research thatis enabled bythe C-BIGRepository, and is proud of the role it will play in the future ofneuroscientificresearch.

“This datawas collected with the aim of sharing it with the broader scientific community,” he says. “And that's really what's fundamentallyuniqueabout this. At every point in time, we were expecting to share this data with investigators around the world.”

More information on the Repository

Patients at the heart of Open Science


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The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital)is a bilingual academic healthcare institution. We are aо research and teaching institute; delivering high-quality patient care, as part of the Neuroscience Mission of the о Health Centre.We areproud to be a Killam Institution, supported by the Killam Trusts.

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