

The Neuroscience Honours program description can be found below, with program prerequisites and graduation requirements.聽 The application to the Neuroscience Honours program can be found here.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Honours Neuroscience(74 Credits)

    Offered by:Science
    Degree:Bachelor of Science

Program Requirement:

The Honours program is intended for students who are interested in laboratory-based research and in acquiring a foundation in each of the 3 streams of the Neuroscience Major Program (cell and molecular; neurophysiology and computational; and cognition and behaviour). Students are admitted to the program after one year in a major.

Applicants must have taken a minimum of 27 graded credits in their U1 year, must have a CGPA of at least 3.5, and must have obtained minimum grades of B+ in both NSCI 200 and NSCI 201, as well as a minimum grade of C in BIOL 200, BIOC 212 or BIOL 201, and CHEM 212. Additional requirements for applying are provided on the Neuroscience website: (). Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the Honours Neuroscience program.

To graduate from the program, students must have a CGPA of 3.30 and a minimum grade of B+ in NSCI 300, NSCI 400, and NSCI 430D1/D2.

"First Class Honours" is awarded to students who obtain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.70, a minimum program GPA of 3.30, and a minimum grade of B+ in NSCI 300, NSCI 400, and NSCI 430D1/D2.

Required Courses (38 credits)

Note: Students who have successfully completed an equivalent of CHEM 212 in CEGEP or elsewhere must replace these credits with a 3-credit elective course to satisfy the total credit requirement for Honours Neuroscience.

  • BIOC 311 Metabolic Biochemistry 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • BIOL 200 Molecular Biology 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • CHEM 212 Intro Organic Chemistry 1 4 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 200 Intro. to Neuroscience 1 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 201 Intro. to Neuroscience 2 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 300 Neuroethics 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 400D1 Neuroscience Seminar 0.5 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 400D2 Neuroscience Seminar 0.5 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 430D1 Honours Research Project 4.5 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • NSCI 430D2 Honours Research Project 4.5 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • PHGY 311 Channels, Synapses & Hormones 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • PSYC 311 Human Cognition and the Brain 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • PSYC 318 Behavioural Neuroscience 2 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

Complementary Courses (36 credits)

3 credits from:

  • BIOC 212 Molec Mechanisms of Cell Funct 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • BIOL 201 Cell Biology & Metabolism 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

3 credits from:

  • COMP 202 Foundations of Programming 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • COMP 204 Comp. Programming for Life Sci 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

3 credits from:

  • BIOL 373 Biometry 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • MATH 324 Statistics 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • PSYC 305 Statistics for Exper Design 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

3 credits from:

Note: Students who have successfully completed an equivalent to MATH 222 at CEGEP or elsewhere, must replace these credits with a 3-credit elective course to satisfy the total credit requirement for Honours Neuroscience.

  • BIOL 309 Mathematical Models in Biology 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • MATH 222 Calculus 3 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

3 credits from:

  • ANAT 321 Circuitry of the Human Brain 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • BIOL 306 Neural Basis of Behaviour 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • PHGY 314 Integrative Neuroscience 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

21 credits should be taken from the following lists. At least 15 of the 21 credits must be taken at the 400- or 500-level.

    200- and 300-level courses:

    *Students may take either COMP 206 or COMP 250, but not both.

    • BIOL 202 Basic Genetics 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 300 Molecular Biology of the Gene 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 301 Cell and Molecular Laboratory 4 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 306 Neural Basis of Behaviour 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 307 Behavioural Ecology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 320 Evolution of Brain & Behaviour 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 389 Laboratory in Neurobiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • CHEM 222 Intro Organic Chemistry 2 4 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • COMP 206 Intro to Software Systems 3 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • COMP 250 Intro to Computer Science 3 Credits*
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MATH 223 Linear Algebra 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MATH 315 Ordinary Differential Eqns 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MATH 323 Probability 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MATH 324 Statistics 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 214 Intro Immun: Elem of Immunity 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 314 Intermediate Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • NEUR 310 Cellular Neurobiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHAR 300 Drug Action 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 210 Mammalian Physiology 2 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 314 Integrative Neuroscience 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 213 Cognition 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 302 Pain 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 315 Computational Psychology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 317 Genes and Behaviour 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 319 Computational Models-Cognition 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 342 Hormones & Behaviour 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    400- and 500-level courses:

    • BIOL 414 Invert Brain Circuits & Behav 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 506 Neurobiology of Learning 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 530 Advances in Neuroethology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 532 Developmental Neurobiology Sem 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 580 Genet Approaches to Neur Syst 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BIOL 588 Advances in Mol/Cell Neurobiol 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • BMDE 519 Biomedical Signals & Systems 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • COMP 546 Computational Perception 4 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MATH 437 Mathematical Meth in Biology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 414 Advanced Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • MIMM 509 Inflammatory Processes 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • NEUR 502 Bas&Clin Aspects of Neuroimmu 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • NEUR 503 Computational Neuroscience 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • NEUR 507 Topics in Radionuclide Imaging 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • NEUR 550 Free Radical Biomedicine 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHAR 562 Neuropharmacology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 425 Analyzing Physiological Sys. 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 451 Advanced Neurophysiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 513 Translational Immunology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 520 Ion Channels 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 524 Chronobiology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PHGY 556 Topics in Systems Neuroscience 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 410 Sp Topics in Neuropsychology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 427 Sensorimotor Neuroscience 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 433 Cognitive Science 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 443 Affective Neuroscience 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 444 Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 470 Memory and Brain 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 502 Psychoneuroendocrinology 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 506 Cognitive Neuroscience of Attn 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 513 Human Decision-Making 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 514 Neurobiology of Memory 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 522 Neurochemistry and Behaviour 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 526 Advances in Visual Perception 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYC 529 Music Cognition 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYT 455 Neurochemistry 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

    • PSYT 500 Adv: Neur of Mtl Disorders 3 Credits
        Offered in the:
      • Fall
      • Winter
      • Summer

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