
Health Insurance

International Trainees:

All international trainees must submit proof of health insurance coverage for the full duration of their training to the dataprocessing.med [at] mcgill.ca (PGME office). If you will be registering with the Quebec Health Insurance Plan (as per below), you will need to take out private insurance for the waiting period.

Arriving in or returning to Quebec - Persons arriving to take up residence in Quebec must register for the Health Insurance Plan. Generally speaking, they will be eligible for the Quebec Health Insurance Plan after a waiting period of up to three months following their registration with the R茅gie de l'assurance maladie du Qu茅bec (RAMQ).

RAMQ registration procedure for those arriving from outside Canada to take up temporary residence: more information and instructions are available from the website.

425, boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest
3e 茅tage, bureau 301
Montr茅al (Qu茅bec)
H3A 3G5

Temporary Medical Insurance: obtaining temporary medical insurance during the waiting period described above is the responsibility of the trainee.

If you wish to complement the coverage provided by the Quebec health insurance plan, you will need to purchase private insurance coverage.

Please note that the PGME Office is not able to advise which private insurance company to choose.

RAMQ-funded Trainees:

Residents remunerated by the Ministry of Health automatically participate in the basic health insurance plan of the F茅d茅ration des m茅decins r茅sidents du Qu茅bec (FMRQ). The insurer is .

For questions related to your health insurance, please contact your base hospital.

Next: ID Cards.

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