
Publications: 2004-2006

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Publications: 2006

Tran CD, Diorio C, Berube S, Pollak M, Brisson J. Relation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I and IGF-binding protein 3 concentrations with intakes of fruit, vegetables, and antioxidants. Am J Clin Nutr?84: 1518-26, 2006


Ahn J, Weinstein SJ, Snyder K, Pollak MN, Virtamo J, Albanes D. No association between serum insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IGF-binding protein-3, and lung cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15: 2010-2, 2006.


Gong Z, Neuhouser ML, Goodman PJ, Albanes D, Chi C, Hsing AW, Lippman SM, Platz EA, Pollak MN, Thompson IM, Kristal AR. Obesity, diabetes, and risk of prostate cancer: Results from the prostate cancer prevention trial. Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 15: 1977-83, 2006.


Zakikhani M, Dowling R, Fantus GI, Sonenberg N, Pollak M. Metformin is an AMP kinase-dependent growth inhibitor for breast cancer cells. Cancer Research?66: 10269-73, 2006.


Tseng PH, Weng SC, Wang YC, Weng JR, Chen CS, Brueggemeier RW, Shapiro CL, Chen CY, Dunn SE, Pollak M, Chen CS. Overcoming trastuzumab resistance in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells by using a novel celecoxib-derived phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 inhibitor. Mol Pharmacol 70:?1534-41, 2006.


Schernhammer ES, Holly JM, Hunter DJ, Pollak MN, Hankinson SE. Insulin-like growth factor-1, its binding proteins (IGFBP-1 and IGFBP-3), and growth hormone and breast cancer risk in The Nurses Health Study II. Endocr Related Cancer?13: 583-92, 2006.


Missmer SA, Spiegelman D, Bertone-Johnson ER, Barbieri RL, Pollak MN, Hankinson SE. Reproducibility of plasma steroid hormones, prolactin, and insulin-like growth factor levels among premenopausal women over a 2-3 year period. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?15: 972-8, 2006.


Harris TG, Strickler HD, Yu H, Pollak MN, Monrad ES, Travin MI, Xue X, Rohan TE, Kaplan RC. Specimen processing time and measurement of total insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), free IGF-1, and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3).?Growth Horm IGF Res?16: 86-92, 2006.


Wei EK, Ma J, Pollak MN, Rifai N, Fuchs C, Hankinson SE, Giovannucci E. C-peptide, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1, glycosylated hemoglobin, and the risk of distal colorectal adenoma in women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?15: 750-5, 2006.


Gotlieb W, Bruchim I, Gu J, Shi Y, Camirand A, Blouin M-J, Zhao Y, Pollak MN. Insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 targeting in epithelial ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol?100: 389-96, 2006.


Rousseau MC, Parent ME, Pollak MN, Siemiatycki J. Diabetes mellitus and cancer risk in a population-based case-control study among men from Montreal, Canada. Int J Cancer?118: 2105-9, 2006.


Rollison DE, Newschaffer CJ, Tao Y, Pollak M, Helzlsouer KJ. Premenopausal levels of circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 and the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Int J Cancer?118: 1279-84, 2006.


Diorio C, Bérubé S, Byrne C, M?ssé B, Hébert-Croteau N, Yaffe M, C?té G, Pollak M, Brisson J. Influence of insulin-like growth factors on the strength of the relation of vitamin D and calcium intakes to mammographic breast density. Cancer Res?66: 588-97, 2006.


Publications: 2005

Diorio C, Pollak M, Byrne C, M?ssé B, Hébert-Croteau N, Yaffe M, C?té G, Bérubé S, Brisson J. Levels of C-peptide and mammographic breast density. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14: 2661-4, 2005.


Levitt R, Georgescu M, Pollak M. PTEN-induction in U251 glioma cells decreases the expression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2. Biochem and Biophys Res Comm 336: 1056-61, 2005.


Kucab JE, Lee C, Chen CH, Zhu J, Blake Gilks C, Cheang M, Huntsman D, Yorida E, Emerman J, Pollak M, Dunn S. Celecoxib analogues disrupt Akt signaling, which is commonly activated in primary breast tumours. Breast Cancer Res?7: R796-R807, 2005.


Pinheiro SP, Holmes MD, Pollak MN, Barieri R, Hankinson S. Racial differences in premenopausal endogenous hormones. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14: 2147-53, 2005.


Bérubé S, Diorio C, M?ssé B, Hébert-Croteau N, Byrne C, C?té G, Pollak M, Yaffe M, Brisson J. Vitamin D and calcium intakes from food or supplements and mammographic breast density. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?14: 1553-9, 2005.


Majeed N, Blouin MJ, Kaplan-Lefko PJ, Barry-Shaw J, Greenberg NM, Gaudreau P, Bismar TA, Pollak M. A germ line mutation that delays prostate cancer progression and prolongs survival in a murine prostate cancer model. Oncogene 24: 4736-40, 2005.


Camirand A, Zakikhani M, Young F, Pollak MN. Inhibition of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor signaling enhances growth-inhibatory and proapoptotic effects of gefitinib (Iressa) in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Research 7: R570-9, 2005.


Sutherland BW, Kucab J, Wu J, Lee C, Cheang M, Yorida E, Turbin D, Dedhar S, Nelson C, Pollak M, Leighton Grimes H, Miller K, Badve S, Huntsman D, Blake-Gilks C, Chen M, Pallen CJ, Dunn SE. Akt phosphorylates the Y-box binding protein 1 at Ser102 located in the cold shock domain and affects the anchorage-independent growth of breast cancer cells. Oncogene 24: 4281-92, 2005.


Platz EA, Pollak MN, Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Giovannucci E. Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 and binding protein-3 and subsequent risk of prostate cancer in the PSA era. Cancer Causes and Control 16: 255-62, 2005.


Meyerhardt JA, Sloan JA, Sargent DJ, Goldberg RM, Pollak M, Morton RF, Ramanathan RK, Williamson SK, Findlay BP, Fuchs CS. Associations between plasma insulin-like growth factor proteins and C-peptide and quality of life in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14: 1402-10, 2005.


Diorio C, Pollak M, Byrne C, Masse B, Hebert-Croteau N, Yaffe M, Cote G, Berube S, Morin C, Brisson J. Insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-binding protein-3, and mammographic breast density. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?14: 1065-73, 2005.


Nam RK, Trachtenberg J, Jewitt MA, Toi A, Evans A, Narod SA, Pollak M. Serum insulin-like growth factor-I levels and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia: a clue to the relationship between IGF-I physiology and prostate cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prev?14: 1270-3, 2005.


Wei EK, Ma J, Pollak MN, Rifai N, Fuchs CS, Hankinson SE, Giovannucci E. A prospective study of C-peptide, insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1, and the risk of colorectal cancer in women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14: 850-5 2005.


Kristal AR, King IB, Albanes D, Pollak MN, Stanzyk FZ, Santella RM, Hoque A. Centralized blood processing for the selenium and vitamin E cancer prevention triaL: Effects of delayed processing on carotenoids, tocopherols, insulin-like growth factor-I, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3, steroid hormones, and lymphocyte viability. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prev?14: 727-730, 2005.


Schernhammer ES, Holly JM, Pollak MN, Hankinson SE. Circulating levels of insulin-like growth factors, their binding proteins, and breast cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?3: 699-704, 2005.


Canil CM, Moore MJ, Winquist E, Baetz T, Pollak M, Chi KN, Berry S, Ernst DS, Douglas L, Brundage M, Fisher B, McKenna A, Seymour L. Randomized phase II study of two doses of gefitinib in hormone-refractory prostate cancer: A trial of the National Cancer Institute of Canada-Clinical Trials Group. J Clin Oncol?23: 455-60, 2005.


Publications: 2004

Pollak MN, Schernhammer ES, Hankinson SE. Insulin-like growth factors and neoplasia. Solicited Review. Nature Rev Cancer 4: 505-18, 2004.


Camirand A, Pollak M. Co-targeting IGF-1R and c-kit: synergistic inhibition of proliferation and induction of apoptosis in H 209 small cell lung cancer cells. Br J Cancer 90: 1825-29, 2004.


Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Limburg P, Pollak M, Taylor PR, Virtamo J, Albanes D. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, IGF-binding protein-3, and pancreatic cancer in male smokers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 13: 438-44, 2004.


Lai JH, Vesprini D, Zhang W, Yaffe MJ, Pollak M, Narod SA. A polymorphic locus in the promoter region of the IGFBP3 gene is related to mammographic breast density. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prev 13: 573-82, 2004.


Ma J, Giovannucci EL, Pollak MN, Leavitt A, Tao Y, Gaziano J, Stampfer MJ. A prospective study of plasma c-peptide and colorectal cancer risk in men. J Natl Cancer Inst 96: 546-53, 2004.


Labrie F, Champagne P, Labrie C, Roy J, Laverdiere J, Provencher L, Potvin M, Drolet Y, Pollak M, Panasci L, L'Esperance B, Dufresne J, Latreille J, Robert J, Samson B, Jolivet J, Yelle L, Cusan L, Diamond P, Candas B. Activity and safety of the antiestrogen EM-800, the orally active precursor of acolbifene, in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 22: 864-71, 2004.


Levitt RJ, Buckley J, Blouin M-J, Schaub B, Triche TJ, Pollak M. Growth inhibiton of breast epithelial cells by celecoxib is associated with upregulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 316: 421-8, 2004.


Schairer C, Hill D, Fears T, Ziegler R, Hoover R, Pollak M. Serum concentrations of IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and c-peptide and risk of hyperplasia and cancer of the breast in postmenopausal women. Int J Cancer 108: 773-9, 2004.?


Lu Y, Zi X, Zhao Y,Pollak MN. Overexpression of ErbB2 receptor inhibits IGF-1-induced Shc-MAPK signaling pathway in breast cancer cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 313:709-15, 2004.


Lu Y, Zi X, Pollak MN. Molecular mechanisms underlying IGF-1-induced attenuation of the growth inhibitory activity of trastuzumab (Herceptin) on SKBR3 breast cancer cells. Int J Cancer 108: 334-41, 2004.



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