

Key data sets developed or used by CPD members

Host Data Set Country Description CPD member contact
Logo of International Research Infrastructure on Social Inequalities in Health Health Insurance Access Database Canada & 10 OECD countries Indicators of public coverage, and regulation of OOP expenses and private health insurance Am茅lie Quesnel-Vall茅e
Photo of data collection by the Population and Ecology Research Laboratory, in Chitwan Valley, Nepal Nepal (Western Chitwan Valley) Social science data on social change, social life, families and the environment in Nepal (longitudinal, ethnographic, botanical, land use and GIS). Sarah Brauner-Otto
Logo of the CLSA Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Canada A large, national, long-term study following 50,000 men and women, aged 45 to 85 for at least 20 years. Data: biological, medical, psychological, social, lifestyle and economic.
Logo of the National Opinion Research Centre at the University of Chicago U.S. A longitudinal, population-based study. Approx. 3000 respondents, national, probability sample, aged 57-85, community-dwelling Americans. Data: physical health and illness, medication use, cognitive function, emotional health, sensory function, health behaviors, social connectedness, sexuality, and relationship quality. Aniruddha Das
Statistics Canada Logo Canada Three wave data collection of 5755 immigrants, at six months, two years and four years after arrival in Canada (2000-2001), all immigrant classes. Thomas Soehl
Government of Canada logo - Government of Canada Canada

Other major population data archives and related depositories and libraries

Organization Name Description
Logo of the interuniversity consortium of political and social research at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan An international consortium of 700 academic institutions & research organizations. The ICPSR data archive contains > 500,000 files of social science research.
Logo of the data sharing for demographic research housed within ICPSR and operate in collaboration with the Carolina Population Center (CPC) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Minnesota Population Center (MPC) at the University of Minnesota, the Population Studies Center (PSC) at the University of Michigan, the Hopkins Population Center (HPC) at Johns Hopkins University, and the Population Research Center at the RAND Corporation. A data archive for demography and population sciences.
The Dataverse Network project develops software, protocols, and community connections for creating research data repositories that automate professional archival practices, guarantee long term preservation, and enable researchers to share, retain control of,听 and receive web visibility and formal academic citations for their data contributions
Uk Data Service logo Repository holds data from UK national statistical authorities, UK government, intergovernmental organizations, research centres and individual researchers.
Logo of the National Institute for Health Research An international propsective register of systematic reviews
Logo of the Cochrane collaboration The Cochrane Collaboration supports the development of systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy.
Logo of the Campbell Collaboration The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network that produces systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions in Crime & Justice, Education, International Development, and Social Welfare.
Household and person-level data on market and government income, demography, employment and expenditures, data from 1968-, data from Europe, NA, LA, Africa, Asia, Australasia
Household-level data on assets and debts, market and government income, household characteristics, labour market outcomes, expenditures and behavioural indicators, from 1994-, 12 countries including Canada

The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted every two years across Europe since 2001. The survey measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of diverse populations in more than thirty nations.

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