
Titres de thèses

Titres de mémoires de maîtrise déposés au cours des dernières années

Liu, Y. (2020)

Disentangling the roles of formant proximity and stimulus prototypicality on asymmetries in vowel perception

Barbeau-Morrison, A. (2019)

Language choices and experiences of parents raising bilingual or multilingual children in Canada

Haentjens, K. (2019)

Finding the words: comparing the progression of semantic feature analysis and phonological components analysis in adults post-stroke aphasia

Reid, H. (2019)

Nonword repetition and sequential memory in children aged 7-12 and adults - differential effects of bilingualism, developmental language disorders, and the role of development

Folden, M. (2017)

Down Syndrome and childhood apraxia of speech : Matching a unique psycholinguistic profile  to an effective treatment program

Trudel, C. (2016)

A Drama- Based Social Skills Intervention for Adults with Autism or Related Social Communication Difficulties

Bokhari, F. (2015)
Investigating the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying truth-conditional and logical semantic aspects of sentence processing: an event-related brain potential study

Pineo, R. (2015)
Sentence repetition performance in bilingual children with SLI compared to age and language-matched peers

Spring, M. (2013)
Speech segmentation in adult French-English bilinguals: The role of prosody

Blais, M. (2012)

Burns, J. (2012)
Child play skills and parent verbal responsiveness: Effects on language growth in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders and typical development

PAUL, M. (2009)
Predictors of consonant development and the development of a test of French phonology

Copeland, L. (2009)
Audiovisual processing of affective and linguistics prosody: An event-related fMRI study.

Madon, Z. (2007)
Investigation of maze production in children with specific language impairment.

McDevitt, J. (2007)
The representation of frequent word combinations in lexical memory.

Ohberg, A. (2006)
Articulatory, perceptual, and phonological determinants of accurate production of /s/.

Garfinkel, S. (2005)
Critical period effects on lexical and syntactic development: A case study of adolescent first-language acquisition.

Valji, A. (2005)
Language preference in monolingual and bilingual infants.

Ariyama, J. (2004)
Use of morphosyntactic cues to word learning in 20-month-old Japanese children.

Grawburg, M. (2004)
A perception based phonological awareness training program for preschoolers with articulation disorders.

Lattermann, C. (2003)
Language abilities and fluency disorders: Analysis of spontaneous language samples of children who stutter during treatment with the Lidcombe Program.

Hargraves, L. (2003)
The linguistics system of a deaf language learner: Examining the effects of delayed language exposure.

Titres de thèses de doctorat déposées au cours des dernières années

Krusanova, A. (2020) Ph.D.

Linguistic embodiment of affect: Influence of valence, arousal, and dominance on cognitive and motor processes

Kolne, K. (2020) Ph.D.

Disambiguating the benefits of morphology and vocabulary instruction for improving spelling among English-speaking children

Orena, A.J. (2019) Ph.D.

Growing up bilingual: examining the language input and word segmentation abilities of bilingual infants

Colby, S. (2018) Ph.D.

The importance of lexical information for speech plasticity in older adults

Matthews, T. (2018) Ph.D.

Comparing alternative prepractice conditions in the treatment of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) using a single subject randomization design

Paul, M. (2017) Ph.D.

Can a short parent questionnaire be helpful for correctly identifying children with and without specific language impairment

Gonzalez Barrero, A. (2017) Ph.D.

The Linguistic and Cognitive Effects of Bilingualism on Children

Bang, J. (2017) Ph.D.

The role of intention in reading referential gaze : Implicaitons for learning in typical development and in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Rees, K. (2017) Ph.D.

Preschoolers with Diverse Language Competencies Interacting Around Stories in Print and Electronic Format: A Process-Oriented Description

Brandeker, M. (2017) Ph.D.

Beyond Vocabulary Size:  Depth of Vocabulary in Bilingual Children and the Role of language Experience

Hauser, K. (2016) Ph.D.

The Neuro-cognitive Bases of Idiom Processing

Mollaei, F. (2016) Ph.D.

Speech and Auditory Brainstem Processing in Parkinson’s disease

Sudurshan, A. (2016) Ph.D.

Bilingual Language Control : Effects of Cognitive Aging, Word Status and Individual Differences in Executive Control

Masapollo, M. (2016) Ph.D.

On the Nature of the Natural Referent Vowel Bias

Nickels, S. (2016) Ph.D.

A critical re-evaluation of Friederici’s (2002) sentence processing model with particular consideration of task effects, item effects, and inter-individual differences

Bani Hani, H. (2015) Ph.D.

Language-impaired children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and children with specific language impairment: similar language abilities but distinct memory profiles

Kasparian, K. (2015) Ph.D.

The case of the non-native-like first-language: neurophysiological investigations of first-language attrition and second-language processing

Liu, P. (2015) Ph.D.

Culture and cultural immersion modulate the brain response to human expressions of emotion: electrophysiological evidence

Nam, Y. (2015) Ph.D.

The role of acoustic phonetic bias in consonant manner perception

Schwartz, R. (2015) Ph.D.

Minding the gap between experience and expression: what contributes to the negative social perception of patients with Parkinson's disease?

Pauker, E. (2014) Ph.D.

How multiple prosodic boundaries of varying sizes influence syntactic parsing: behavioral and ERP evidence

Brajot, F. (2014) Ph.D.

The perception of speech intensity in Parkinson's disease

Brosseau-Lapre, F. (2014) Ph.D.

Underlying and surface manifestations of developmental phonological disorder in French-speaking preschoolers at aged 4 to 6 years

Itzhak, I. (2013) Ph.D.

The influence of lexical biases and prosodic information during online interpretation of anbiguous pronouns

Alhaidary, A. (2012) Ph.D.

Developmental changes in Arabic babbling in relation to English and French babbling

Abada, S. (2011) Ph.D.

Electrophysiological investigations of age differences in phrasal interpretation:  The time course of cross-modal interactions

Dara, C. (2011) Ph.D.

The influence of pitch and speech rate on emotional prosody recognition: psychological and neuro-cognitive perspectives

Molnar, M. (2011) Ph.D.

Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of vowel perception in monolingual and simultaneous bilingual users of Canadian English and Canadian French

Chiang, P. (2010) Ph.D.

The acquisition of English phonological awarness in Mandarin-speaking children

±·²¹³¾²¹³ú¾±,Ìý²Ñ. (2010) Ph.D.

Working memory and controlled attention in bilingual children with and without language impairment

Belanger, N. (2009)

Reading is in the eye of the beholder: eye movements and early word processes in deaf readers of French.

Gagne, A. (2009)

Narrative discourse in French-speaking school-age children with and without specific language impairment: development, factors contributing to competency, and pragmatics.

Tremblay, P. (2009)

Investigating the neural organisation of response selection and response conflict during language production using functional magnetic resonance imaging repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Cheang, H. (2008)

The sounds of sarcasm in English and Cantonese: A cross-linguistic production and perception study.

Alasseri, A. (2008)

Influence of emotionality on pragmatic features of discourse produced by Arabic-speaking adults with aphasia.

Mortimer, J. (2008)

Effects of speech perception, vocabulary, and articulation skills on morphology & syntax in children with speech sound disorders.

Sundara, M. (2005)

Phonetic perception and production of coronal stops by adults exposed to two languages from birth.

Pesco, D. (2005)

Peer talk: Children with specific language impairment in dyadic and group interactions.

Klepousniotou, E. (2004)

On the resolution of lexical ambiguity: Unilateral brain damage effects on the processing of homonymy and polysemy.

Grindrod, C. (2004)

Different effects of left-and-right hemisphere brain damage on the ability to use context in lexical ambiguity resolution.

Boyczuk, Jeffrey (2002)

Examining interactivity in speech perception: Compensation for lexically-induced coarticulation.

Abdalla, Fauzia (2002)

Specific language impairment in Arabic-speaking children: Deficits and morphosyntax.

Chamberlain, Charlene (2002)

Reading skills of deaf adults who sign: Good and poor readers compared.

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