
Get involved

Meet your mentor – or become one


The MBA Mentoring Program is an exciting, innovative program in great demand by our students and is available to students entering their second year and Advanced Standing MBA students, both full- and part-time.

Interested students are required to formally apply to the program and provide a written statement describing program expectations and preferences in terms of mentorship, as well as career goals and personal aspirations. Applicants will be matched, to the best of the program's resources, with a suitable mentor.

An information session providing complete details on the program as well as the application process is offered each year.

The application process takes place in February.


The MBA Mentoring Program recognizes leaders in industry and community who are exemplary role models.

Mentors help contribute to the development of the new generation of leaders of tomorrow. Their participation also provides them with the opportunity to network with their peers and leaders from various fields and industry.

Mentors help students maximize their potential by:

  • giving career advice;
  • offering insight about the work environment;
  • and exposing mentees to professional networks.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact fiona.macfarlane [at] mail.mcgill.ca (Fiona MacFarlane) or by phone at 514-398-5623.

The Power of Mentoring

“Studies have shown that those who are mentored earn higher salaries, receive more promotions, and have greater career and job satisfaction than those who are not mentored."

Power Mentoring: How successful mentors and protégés get the most out of their relationships by Ellen Ensher and Susan Murphy

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