Founder's Day Celebrations
Join Macdonald faculty, staff, students and friends in the annual celebration of Sir William Macdonald, Founder of Macdonald College. The program also includes the presentation of Gold Key Awards to outstanding students, as well as the Macdonald Mastery for Service Award.
Macdonald classes are cancelled from 13h00-15h00 to allow everyone to attend the celebrations.
Guest speaker Filmaker Jennifer Baichwal will talk about her involvement in , and answer questions about her award-winning film, Anthropocene: The Human Epoch that will be screened on Wednesday, February 5, from 16h30-18h00 in Raymond R2-045. Don't miss this opportunity to view this powerful film that combines art, film, virtual reality, augmented reality, and scientific research, to investigates human influence on the state, dynamic and future of the Earth.
Learn more about Founder's Day at