

Schulich School of Music Student Award Winners 2019-20

Published: 14 May 2020

Over the past few weeks, several of our students have received awards for their exciting research projects. Follow the links to read more about each winner's exciting projects.

International Grant Writing Competition at the doctoral level

James Donaldson: Topics and Formal Process in Post-Tonal Music
Shulamit Sarid: Welcome to the Jungle – 2Cellos and the Genre-Audience Relationship

International Grant Writing Competition at the masters level

Michael Mazin: Governing the Moscow Conservatory, 1889-1905
Kiarra Saito-Beckman: Lost Legacies: Illuminating Female Composers of Bygone Eras

Eleanor Stubley Recording Prize

Martin Daigle and Omar Miranda: Mossy Cobblestone

Andrew Svoboda Memorial Prize for Orchestral Composition

Omer Barash

Dean’s Essay Prize

Adam Wills Begley (first prize): O Friends, Endure: Rhetorical Architecture in Rore's O socii.
Nicholas Capozzoli (second prize): Towards a Biography of Claire Delbos

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