Bienvenue au recueil officiel de l’ensemble des documents constitutifs et des procédures de l’Universitéо. Les politiques et règlements affichés sur cette page ont été approuvés par le Sénat, le Conseil des gouverneurs, ou les deux. Des documents secondaires sont également publiés sur cette page. En cas de conflit entre une version d'un document de gouvernance ou d'un document secondaire affiché ici et une version publiée sur une autre page ou site, les versions affichées ici seront considérées comme officielles et les plus récentes.
Pour toute question d'ordre général, y compris sur l'élaboration, la consultation et la procédure d'approbation des documents de référence, veuillez consulter le site Cadre politique de l’Université ou contacter le secretary.general [at] (éٲ). Pour toute question relative à un document constitutif ou à un document secondaire spécifique, veuillez contacter le bureau du cadre responsable nommé ou de son délégué.
Academic Freedom, Policy on(Version française)
Academic Reviews, Regulations on
Academic Staff Grievances and Disciplinary Procedures, Regulations on(Version française)
Alcohol, Cannabis and Other Drugs, Policy Concerning(Version française)
Procedure on Drug and Alcohol Testing of Employees
Animals, Policy on the Study and Care of(Version française en attente)
Appeals of Tenure Decisions, Regulations on(Version française)
Approval of Contracts and Designation of Signing Authority, Policy on the(Version française)
Procedure Regarding Second Signature Requirements for Contracts Greater than $1 Million
Board of Governors Rules of Order and Procedure
Born-Digital Record as the Official Record
Digitization Guidelines - Born-Digital Records
Code of Ethics and Conduct for Members of the Board of Governors of о
Conduct of Research, Regulation on(Version française)
Conflict of Interest, Regulation on(Version française en attente)
Recognizing Conflict of Interest(Version française en attente)
Conflict of Interest Reporting
Consulting and Similar Activities by Academic Staff, Regulations on(Version française)
Development and Review of Governing Documents, Policy for the(Version française)
Governing Document Proposal Form
Electoral Procedures of the Board of Governors
E-Mail Communication with Students, Policy on(Version française)
Emergency Management Policy(Version française)
Employment of Academic Staff, Regulations Relating to the(Version française)
Employment of Contract Academic Staff, Regulations Relating to the(Version française)
Employment of Librarian Staff, Regulations Relating to the(Version française)
Employment of Tenure Track and Tenured Academic Staff, Regulations Relating to(Version française)
Examples of the Range of Research Accomplishments, Recognition and Impacts Valued at о
End of Course Evaluations, Policy on Official(Version française)
Enterprise Data Governance, Policy on
Standard on Enterprise Data Classification
Standard on Enterprise Data Governance(Under review)
Enterprise Risk Management Policy (“ERM Policy”)
Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Human Participants, Policy on(Version française en attente)
Procedures for the Implementation of the Policy on the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Human Participants(Version française en attente)
e-Version as Official Record, Substitution of an
French Language, Policy Regarding the Use and Quality of the(Version française)
Funding Policy of the о Pension Plan
Gift Acceptance Policy and Guidelines(Version française)
Gift-in-Kind-Policy (Non-monetary donations)(Version française)
Graduate Student Supervision, Regulations on(Version française)
Harassment and Discrimination, Policy on(Version française)
Procedures Related to the Policy on Harassment and Discrimination(Version française)
о Office for Mediation and Reporting (OMR)
Hazing, Policy on(Version française en attente)
Honorary Degrees and Convocations Committee, Guidelines for the
Information Technology Resources, Policy on the Responsible use of о(Version française)
Intimate Relationships Between Teaching Staff and Students, Guidelines on(Version française)
Inventions and Software, Policy on
Guidelines on the Application of the Policy for Inventions and Software
Guidelines for University Spin-offs
Investment Policy, Statement of
Leaves of Absence for Tenure Track and Tenured Academic Staff, Regulations on(Version française)
Logo, Name and Other Trademarks, Use of о's(Version française)
Maternity Leave, Parental Leave and Extended Parental Leave for Members of the Academic Staff, Regulations on(Version française)
Naming of University Assets, Policy Relating to the(Version française)
Guidelines for Determining Significant Assets
Non-Performance of Academic Duties During a Legal Strike, University Policy on the(Version française)
Personal Information, Policy on the Governance of(Version française)
Procurement Policy (Version française)
Cloud Directive (Version française)
Contract Management Internal Guidelines (En français et en anglais)
Guidelines for the Purchase and Use of Printing Paper and Printing Services
Guidelines on the Determination of Employee or Self-Employed & Independent Contractors Status(Version française)
о IT Asset Management Regulation
Research Asset Management Procedure
Supplier Code of Conduct (Version française)
Vehicle Asset Management Procedure
Sustainable Procurement Policy (To take effect May 1, 2024) (Version française en attente)
Standard on Procurement Exceptions (To take effect May 1, 2024) (Version française en attente)
Religious Holy Days, Policy for the Accommodation(Version française)
Research Entities, Policy on(Version française en attente)
Procedures for Core Facilities(Version française en attente)
Procedures for Research Units(Version française en attente)
Research Misconduct, Regulations Concerning the Investigation of(Version française)
Retirement of Academic Staff, Regulations on(Version française)
Sabbatic Leaves for Tenure Track and Tenured Academic Staff, Regulations on(Version française)
Senate Rules of Order and Procedure
Sexual Violence, Policy Against(Version française)
Procedures for the Investigation of Reports of Sexual Violence(Version française)
Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education Website
Signing Policy(Version française)
Procedure Regarding Second Signature Requirements for Contracts Greater than $1 Million
Smoking at о, Policy Concerning(Version française en attente)
Procedure Concerning Smoking at о
Sponsorship Policy(Version française)
Statement of Principles Concerning Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly(Version française)
Operating Procedures Regarding Demonstrations, Protests and Occupations on о Campuses(Version française)
Student Assessment Policy(Version française)
Policy on the Assessment of Student Learning (PASL) - to take effect in Fall 2024(Version française)
Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures, Code of(Version française)
Student Grievance Procedures, Code of(Version française)
Students with Disabilities, Policy Concerning the Rights of (Version française)
Students' Rights, Charter of (Version française)
Sustainable Procurement Policy (To take effect May 1, 2024) (Version française en attente)
Standard on Procurement Exceptions (To take effect May 1, 2024) (Version française en attente)
Sustainability Policy(Version française en attente)
Total Compensation Policy for Senior Administrators
Visiting Academic Appointments, Regulations Relating to(Version française)
Wrongdoing, Policy on the Disclosure of(Version française)