CAROTID ENDARTERECÂTOMY: SurÂgiÂcal techÂnique to remove athÂerÂoÂscleÂrotic plaque and fatty deposits from the carotid artery in order to restore blood flow to the brain. This preÂvenÂtaÂtive proÂceÂdure sigÂnifÂiÂcantly reduces the risk of future stroke.
Source: National InstiÂtute of NeuÂroÂlogÂiÂcal DisÂorÂders and Stroke
Health Link BC. 2022. Canada. -
MedÂlineÂPlus. 2018. USA. -
CleaveÂland Clinic. 2019. USA. -
Johns Hopkins Medicine. n.d. USA. -
American Association of Neurological Surgeons. n.d. USA. -
The VasÂcuÂlar SociÂety for Great Britain and IreÂland. 2017. England.