DEPRESÂSION: A state of low mood that is described difÂferÂently by peoÂple who expeÂriÂence it. ComÂmonly described are feelÂings of sadÂness, despair, emptiÂness, or loss of interÂest or pleaÂsure in nearly all things. DepresÂsion can also be expeÂriÂenced in other disÂorÂders, such as bipoÂlar disÂorÂder (manic-​depressive disorder).
Source: SAMSA’s National MenÂtal Health InforÂmaÂtion CenÂter
Reading list on mental disorders
Neuro-Patient Resource Centre. 2025. -
MUHC. Canada. -
MUHC. Canada. -
DouÂglas InstiÂtute. 2013. Canada. -
DouÂglas InstiÂtute. 2013. Canada. -
DouÂglas InstiÂtute. 2009. Canada. -
DouÂglas InstiÂtute. 2009. Canada. -
AMI Québec. Canada. -
Relief Quebec. n.d. Canada. -
CenÂtre for AddicÂtion and MenÂtal Health. Canada. -
Government of Quebec. 2018. Canada. -
CanaÂdian CoaliÂtion for Seniors’ MenÂtal Health. 2016. Canada. -
GovÂernÂment of Alberta. 2019. Canada. -
National MulÂtiÂple ScleÂroÂsis SociÂety. n.d. USA. -
AmerÂiÂcan PsyÂchoÂlogÂiÂcal AssoÂciÂaÂtion . 2013.Ìý±«³§´¡. -
Mayo Clinic. 2018. USA. -
Todd A. SmitherÂman, Ph.D. and Steven M. Baskin, PhD. AmerÂiÂcan Migraine FounÂdaÂtion. 2015. USA. -
The Nation’s Voice on MenÂtal IllÂness. 2016.Ìý±«³§´¡. -
National InstiÂtute of MenÂtal Health. USA. -
Office on Women's Health. 2021. USA.